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University Library


Content Access Management (CAM): Monographs Workflow

Acquisitions & Cataloging Services


This LibGuide covers the following parts:

Call Number Scheme

The holding record requires a call number to be assigned. Determine the call number scheme using the Classification by Collection table. Typical call number schemes are:

Ensure that you are familiar with the call number classification scheme before using it! 

Single Monographs: Holding Record

  1. Go to the List of Holdings.
  2. Click on the Add New Holdings link to create a new basic holding record.


  1. The new holding record is automatically opened in the Metadata Editor, which is the primary tool for editing holding records:


  1. You will notice the error message. This is because the 852 field has not been populated yet. Also, the Info tab at the bottom of the page provides a link to the LC specification for the current field.
  2. The call number classification scheme used in the holding record is based on the collection. Determine whether the call number in the holding record should be constructed using Dewey Decimal or Library of Congress Classification using the Classification by Collection table.
  3. The 852 field can be updated as follows:
    1. Use the first indicator to specify the call number classification scheme. According to the LC specification:
      1. 0 is used for LC classification
      2. 1 is used for Dewey Decimal Classification.
    2. For monographs, the second indicator is set to blank as indicated by the hash symbol.
    3. To edit the subfields, with the mouse cursor on the 852 field click on the Edit > Open Form Editor.


    1. Use subfields b & c in the 852 field to specify the library and shelving location codes.
      1. Subfield b contains the specific library code. In this example, we shall select Main Stacks from the dropdown list.
      2. Subfield c contains the shelving location code. In this example, we shall select Stacks Non-circulating from the dropdown list.
    2. Next enter the call number.
      1. In subfield h, enter the Classification Part.
      2. In subfield i, enter the Item Part.
      3. If a Call Number Prefix is needed it is entered in subfield k.
    3. To save changes to the 852 field, click on the Save icon.
    4. In the List of Holdings, you will now see the new holding record:


Single Monographs: Item Record

  1. Go to the list of Holdings for the bibliographic record, click the ellipsis for the empty holding record, then select View Items.


  1. In this case, the List of items is empty.
  2. Click Add Item. A new item record opens in the Physical Item Editor with a pre-populated Permanent location value that is pulled from the holding record.


  1. Enter cataloging data including:
    • Barcode.
    • Material type e.g. Book.
    • Copy ID, e.g. the Copy ID is 1 for the first item of the bibliographic record. Copy ID is unique to the bibliographic record and not the classification scheme.
    • The Item Policy is an exception field and should be left blank.
    • Is magnetic is No, except for magnetic storage media.
    • Pieces, e.g. enter 1 for a book without accompanying material. See instructions on accompanying material


  1. Click Save and Edit, then go to Notes if necessary, to add a Public note, a Fulfillment note which is visible to Circulation staff, or an Internal note. For accompanying materials, add a Fulfillment note (e.g. 6 folded sheets in back of book).


  1. Click Save.The item you created appears in the list of items.

Multi-Volume Monographs: Holding Record

  1. Go to List of Holdings, click Add New Holdings
  2. With the mouse cursor on LDR field, click Edit > Open Form Editor (Ctrl+F) to open the LDR and change the Type of Record (6) to (v) Multipart item holdings

  1. Modify 852 first indicator and use Form Editor (Ctrl+F) to modify subfields for the library, shelving location, prefix (if applicable), call number, and suffix (if applicable) per the instructions for single-part holdings.
  2. Create 853 field and add indicators and subfields as follows:
    1. Click Edit > Add Field. Enter "853" as the field tag 
    2. Modify 1st and 2nd indicator, and $$a​, then click Edit > Add Subfield ($$8)
      1. 1st indicator - use 2
      2. 2nd indicator - use 3
      3. $$8 -- use "1"
      4. $$a -- first level of enumeration; for multi-volume sets, use "v"
    3. Click Save




Multi-volume Monograph: Item Record

If you are working with a multi-volume set or have an added volume, create an item record per the instructions for a single-part item record with the following additional steps.

For a multipart item, enter a purely numeric value for the volume number in Enumeration (e.g. 1). Then click Generate to get an autogenerated Description (e.g. v.1), which you may edit as necessary.

Check if a suffix is needed.

See guidelines on Copy ID.

Create/duplicate an item record for each piece in hand. Make changes to duplicated records as needed.

After creating all needed item records, set books aside to be placed on the labeling truck.

Enumeration examples:


Issue Number:

Volume / Issue number:

Volume / Chronology:

Issue number / Chronology:

Volume / Issue number / Chronology:

Volume / Part:


Intro to Monographs with Accompanying Material

If a monograph includes accompanying material(s) such as a CD-ROM, guide, workbook, index, etc., first determine whether the accompanying material(s) will be housed together with or separately from the main piece as this determines the item record(s).

Holding Record for Monographs with Accompanying Material(s)

  1. Go to List of Holdings, click Add New Holdings

  2. With the mouse cursor on LDR field, click Edit > Open Form Editor (Ctrl+F) to open the LDR and change the Type of Record (6) to (v) Multipart item holdings


  1. Modify 852 first indicator and use Form Editor (Ctrl+F) to add/edit library, shelving location, and prefix/suffix/call number.

  2. Create 853 field and add indicators and subfields as follows:

    Click Edit > Add Field. Enter "853" as the field tag 

853 (Caption & Pattern field): sets up the caption/pattern 

‡8 -- should always be 1

‡a -- should be (unit)


Item Record for Main Piece and Accompanying Material(s) - Housed Together

  • Use a single item record for all.
  • Enter the total count of items (main piece plus accompanying materials) in Pieces.
    • e.g. for a book with 2 CD-ROMS, number of pieces is 3.
    • e.g. for a book with 3 leaflets, number of pieces is 4.
  • Add a Description
    • e.g. for a book with 2 CD-ROMS, enter "Text & 2 CDROMs".
    • e.g. for a book with 3 leaflets, enter "Text & 3 leaflets".
  • See Suffix terminlogy table for Description values.
  • See guidelines on Copy ID.
  • Add a fulfillment note to the book
    • e.g. for a book with 2 CD-ROMS, enter "Includes 2 CD-ROMs".
    • e.g. for a book with 3 leaflets, enter "Includes 3 leaflets".

Example: Item Record for Book with 2 CD-ROMs



Example: Book with 3 leaflets:


Item Record for Main Piece and Accompanying Material(s) - Housed Separately

  • Use a separate item record for the main piece and for each accompanying item
    • E.g. for a book with 2 CDROMs housed in separate PAM binders, create 3 item records.
  • The value of Pieces is 1 in each item record
    • E.g. for a book with 2 CD-ROMs to be housed in separate PAM binders, enter 1 Pieces in each of the 3 item records.
  • Do not enter an enumeration value for accompanying materials, use the Description field instead.
  • See Suffix terminlogy table for a list of Descriptions.
  • Select the notes tab and add a Fulfillment note for each item record. A fulfillment note launches a pop-up message when the item barcode is scanned by circulation staff.
  • See guidelines on Copy ID.


Example: Book with 2 CD-ROMs

Item record for book:

Item record for CD-ROM1:

Item record for CD-ROM2:

Item record fulfillment note for book:

Item record fulfillment note for CDROM1:

Item record fulfillment note for CDROM2:
