To check whether a bibliographic record matches the piece in hand:
- Verify leader encoding level:
- Click Edit to open the bibliographic record in the Metadata Editor.
- Click in the LDR and open the Form Editor.
- Encoding level must be Full level.
- Verify 035:
- An 035 field must contain the OCLC number.
- Verify 040 (skip this check if ‡b is not present):
- 040 ‡b must contain eng (we do not accept non-English language records in our catalog).
- Verify 1xx and 7xx:
- 1XX field and 7xx author fields must match the authorship of the piece .
- Verify 245:
- 245 field must match the title, subtitle, and statement of responsibility of the piece.
- Verify 250:
- If the piece has no edition statement, the 250 field should be absent.
- If the piece has an edition statement, the 250 field must be present with a matching edition statement.
- Verify 260/264:
- 260/264 ‡b subfield must match the publisher of the piece.
- 264 ‡c subfield must match the date of publication of the piece.
- Verify 300:
- 300 ‡a subfield must match the pagination of the piece.
- 300 ‡b subfield must match the illustrative content of the piece.
- 300 ‡c subfield must match the dimensions of the piece.
- Minor 300 field discrepancies may be allowable if they conform to OCLC guidelines.
- Verify 33x:
- 336, 337, 338 fields must match the material format of the piece.
If any of the above verifications fail, the bibliographic record does NOT match the piece in hand.