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University Library


Content Access Management (CAM): Monographs Workflow

Acquisitions & Cataloging Services

Verify Bibliographic Record

To check whether a bibliographic record matches the piece in hand:

  1. Verify leader encoding level:
    1. Click Edit to open the bibliographic record in the Metadata Editor.
    2. Click in the LDR and open the Form Editor.
    3. Encoding level must be Full level.


  1. Verify 035:
    • An 035 field must contain the OCLC number.
  2. Verify 040 (skip this check if ‡b is not present):
    • 040 ‡b must contain eng (we do not accept non-English language records in our catalog).
  3. Verify 1xx and 7xx:
    • 1XX field and 7xx author fields must match the authorship of the piece .
  4. Verify 245:
    • 245 field must match the title, subtitle, and statement of responsibility of the piece.
  5. Verify 250:
    • If the piece has no edition statement, the 250 field should be absent.
    • If the piece has an edition statement, the 250 field must be present with a matching edition statement. 
  6. Verify 260/264:
    • 260/264 ‡b subfield must match the publisher of the piece.
    • 264 ‡c subfield must match the date of publication of the piece.
  7. Verify 300:
    • 300 ‡a subfield must match the pagination of the piece. 
    • 300 ‡b subfield must match the illustrative content of the piece.
    • 300 ‡c subfield must match the dimensions of the piece.
    • Minor 300 field discrepancies may be allowable if they conform to OCLC guidelines.
  8. Verify 33x:
    • 336, 337, 338 fields must match the material format of the piece.

If any of the above verifications fail, the bibliographic record does NOT match the piece in hand.