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Cataloging Services

Acquisitions & Cataloging Services

Call number prefixes

Individual item - prefix

Add a prefix in the subfield box from the suffix terminology table to in the 852 field when:

  1. the item is not considered accompanying material;
  2. the book is oversize size or book shape is irregular; 
  3. the format type is included in the table of prefix codes,
  4. Call number prefixes relating to size are placed at the beginning of the classification number, but following other prefixes, so the collection can be shelved together. However, exceptions can be made for special collections based on each library’s need for shelving and access. Please contact the CAPT Cataloging and Metadata Working Group for additional information.


Prefix Codes

Prefix Definition Prefix Definition
BASK Baskette Collection (RBX) MCARD Microcard
BLURAY Blu-ray MEINE Meine Collection (RBX)
BLURAY3D Blu-ray 3D MEINEF. Meine Coll., folio
CASS Sound cassette MEINEFDSK Meine Coll., floppy disk
CASSS. Sound cassette, S-Collection MEINEFILMQ. Meine Coll., microfilm of a quarto book
CASSSE. Sound cassette, S-Coll., easy MEINEQ. Meine Coll., quarto
CDISC Compact disc MERWIN Merwin Collection (RBX)
CDROM CD-ROM MERWINF. Merwin Coll., folio
CDROMDOC. CD-ROM gov't document MERWINQ. Merwin Coll., quarto
CHART Chart MFICHE Microfiche
CURR. Curriculum Collection MFICHEDOC. Microfiche, gov't document
DISC Phonodisc MPFILM Motion picture film
DLT Digital Linear Tape MTLY Motley Collection (RBX)
DOC. Government document MTLYMFICHE Motley Coll., microfiche
DOWNS Downs Collection (RBX) MTLYQ. Motley Coll., quarto
DVD Digital video disc (all versions) NICKELL Nickell Collection (RBX)
EC Ethnic Collection NICKELLQ. Nickell Coll., quarto
F. Folio (42.1 cm. and above) NICKELLF. Nickell Coll., folio
F.S. Folio, S-Collection PICT Picture
FDSK Floppy disk PICTQ. Picture, quarto
FDSKDOC. Floppy disk, gov't doc. PICTF.S. Picture, folio, S-Collection
FILM Microfilm POSTER Poster
FILMS. Microfilm, S-Collection Q. Quarto (28.1 cm. up to 42 cm.)
FLCD Flashcard Q.S. Quarto, S-Collection
  [Flash drive]--see USB Q.SB. Quarto, S-Coll., biography
FLSTRP Filmstrip Q.SE. Quarto, S-Coll., easy
FLSTRPS. Filmstrip, S-Collection REALIA Realia
FLSTRPSB. Filmstrip, S-Coll., biography ROLL Music rolls
FLSTRPSE. Filmstrip, S-Coll., easy S. S-Collection
GAME Game SB. S-Collection, biography
GAMES. Game, S-Collection SE. S-Collection, easy
GAMESB. Game, S-Coll., biography SLIDE Slide
GAMESE. Game, S-Coll., easy SNDBRG Sandburg Collection (RBX)
GAZ Gazetteers SNDBRGF. Sandburg Coll., folio
HARDDRIVE Hard drive SNDBRGFILM Sandburg Coll., microfilm
HECHT Hecht Collection (RBX) SNDBRGQ. Sandburg Coll., quarto
HECHTQ. Hecht Coll., quarto SNDBRGVIDEOREC Sandburg Coll., videorecording
JAFFE Jaffe Collection (RBX) TAPE Reel-to-reel audiotape
KIT Kit TECHLOAN Loanable technology
KITS. Kit, S-Collection TEXT. Textbook
KITSB. Kit, S-Coll., biography TRNSPR Transparency
KITSE. Kit, S-Coll., easy UHSL. University High School Library
KPLN Kaplan Collection (RBX) UHSLFDSK. Uni High, floppy disk
LARSEN Larsen Collection (RBX) UHSLQ. Uni High, quarto
LARSENQ. Larsen Coll., quarto UHSLT. Uni High, sound cassette
    UN. United Nations documents
LARSENTAPE Larsen Coll., audiotape USB USB flash drive
MAYER Mayer Collection (RBX) VIDREC Videorecording
MAYERQ. Mayer Coll., quarto VIDRECDOC. Videorecording, gov't document