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University Library


Cataloging Services

Acquisitions & Cataloging Services

Serials Workflows

The following is the copy cataloging workflow for the serials.

  1. Search IZ and NZ for a matching record
  2. Verify Record
    • Verify record with purchase order matches piece and has OCLC number.
    • If duplicate and uncataloged records are found, suppress the record without the corresponding purchase order. Follow remaining steps on the record with the matching p.o.
  3. Edit the record as necessary, including:
    • Verify record is unsuppressed.
    • Delete ‡u nouc if present in the 049 field.
    • Check additional fields for accuracy and completeness according to the CONSER standard.
    • Save to database
  4. Assign a call number
    • Determine if the serial should be classed in Dewey or LC based on its collection/location
    • Assign call number according to instructions for Dewey or LC
      • If the record includes 780/785 fields, identify titles held and assign call number accordingly
    • Check the call number for uniqueness in the system
  5. Get holdings or create a new holdings if needed
    • Open Leader and change Type of record to y: Serial item holding
    • Verify record is not suppressed
    • In field 852:
      • Modify 1st indicator to match classification scheme
      • Change location in ‡b and ‡c Add any prefixes, the call number, Cutter, suffix, and copy number to ‡k, ‡h, ‡i, ‡m and ‡t
      • Add relevant notes to ‡x and ‡z
    • Establish caption and pattern in field 853
  6. Create item record(s)
    • Scan and add barcode to piece for contins. (No barcode is needed for periodicals)
    • Add 1st marking pattern (v., no., etc.) to the Enum. field accordingly. Add 2nd marking pattern/other information to the Chron. field
  7. Once cataloging is complete and place item on outgoing shipping shelf.