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University Library


Content Access Management (CAM): Monographs Workflow

Acquisitions & Cataloging Services

Labeling & Marking

Create Label(s)

After saving the holdings record, create a label that will be applied to the book before being shelved:                       

  1. Place the curser in the text of the 852 field
  2. Copy the call number
  3. In the label template document in Word, hit Ctrl+v or right click and click Paste
  4. Format the call number in the label template: 
    • For a Dewey number:
    • For an LC number:
  5. Hit Tab to open a new label
  6. After creating needed labels, add 1 more label with your initials and then print to the assigned Zebra printer
  7. See guidelines on label placement standards for printed books or media housing as appropriate.

Marking Piece

After submitting the label(s), mark each piece as follows:

  1. Turn to the first page after the title page
  2. In the upper left corner, write the call number as it will appear on the label
  3. For locations other than the Stacks, write the library name in the upper right corner of the same page
    • Using the list of Alma Location Codes, write the name as it appears in the center "Write on item" column

Exceptions: Media & Text Are in One Container

Labeling Books with Separately Housed Accompanying Material(s) 

If you have a book with separate housed accompany material(s), for example a book with a CDROM, the item records of the main piece and the accompanying material should look like the following screenshots: 

  • item record of the main piece:
  • item record of the CDROM (accompany material):

Scanning the barcodes in LIBstick will generate parsed labels:

Delete the item record description field value from the label for the main piece described in the bibliographic record field 300 $a (in this case “Text”). Retain the item record description field value for separately housed accompanying material described in the bibliographic record field 300 $e (in this case “cdrom”) 

The label of the main piece should look like this: