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University Library


Cataloging Services: Item Records

Acquisitions & Cataloging Services

Add an item record to a new holding record

  1. Go to the list of Holdings for the bibliographic record, click the ellipsis for the empty holding record, then select View Items.


  1. In this case, the List of items is empty.
  2. Click Add Item. A new item record opens in the Physical Item Editor with a pre-populated Permanent location value that is pulled from the holding record.


  1. Enter cataloging data including:
    • Barcode.
    • Material type e.g. Book.
    • Copy ID, e.g. the Copy ID is 1 for the first item of the bibliographic record. Copy ID is unique to the bibliographic record and not the classification scheme.
    • The Item Policy is an exception field and should be left blank.
    • Is magnetic is No, except for magnetic storage media.
    • Pieces, e.g. enter 1 for a book without accompanying material. See instructions on accompanying material


  1. Click Save and Edit, then go to Notes if necessary, to add a Public note, a Fulfillment note which is visible to Circulation staff, or an Internal note. For accompanying materials, add a Fulfillment note (e.g. 6 folded sheets in back of book).


  1. Click Save.The item you created appears in the list of items.

Add a duplicate item record to a holding record

When adding a new item record to a holding record that already has item records:

  1. In the List of Items, click the ellipsis for the item record you want to copy, then select Duplicate.
  2. A new item record opens in the Physical Item Editor with pre-populated values including the Permanent location that is pulled from the holding record, as well as data pulled from the item record you are copying.
  1. Enter a Barcode
  2. (1) If you want to add copies, update the Copy ID.
    (2) If you want to add volumes/parts, update the Enumeration, and click Generate.
  3. Verify that the other key data is correct, such as the notes.
  4. Click Save.
  5. The duplicated item now appears in the list of items.

To make further changes to the item record, click on the barcode, or click the ellipsis and select Edit.


Sort item records

In the List of Items attached to the specific holding record, go to Sort routine, and select Description from the dropdown list to reorder items to display correctly.