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University Library


ACS Workflows: Acquisitions

Media Ordering

As of 9/2020 UGL is transferring responsibility for Recorded Books to Literatures and Languages Library. As well, RBDigital has been bought out by OverDrive.

As of Feb., 2021, FILM MOVEMENT is BLACKSTONE Publishing. To add standing order DVDs (new titles each month?) to Alma

  • Order Lines–Vendor Name=Blackstone.
  • POL-11160
  • Click on edit
  • Click on Notes
  • Add Notes
  • Put in Order ID/Invoice ID/# titles/Title
  • Add/Save.

Kanopy rep=Tish Wagner as of 1/21

  1. To view Kanopy, go to
    The institutional login for Kanopy, please contact Ginger.

        2.Under "George", there is a drop down menu with information pertaining to our institution–click on each title (Dashboard, Analytics, My Titles, Packages, Licenses, Invoices, MARC records) to clarify the information, which is largely self-explanatory.  

        3. Licensing Kanopy films.

  • A license costs $150 for 1 year or $350 for 3 years.
  • Most licenses are for one year and begin immediately upon ordering. 
  • Ginger receives the email invoices, which occurs right away. 
  • This information is copy and pasted to a spreadsheet set up by MJ and includes date, title, link and proxy link, start and end dates. 
  • Willy adds the title to Alma.
  • When it is catalogued, the date is noted in the spreadsheet.

Kanopy Workflow as of 2021:


  • Requesters select a film from Kanopy and a standardized notice request is emailed to Ginger. 
  • After searching our catalog to make sure it is not already available in streaming form by another vendor (such as Alexander Street Press, etc) and that an instructor is requesting it for course instruction, we can order it.
  • They must give their rank, course title and course number on the Kanopy form.
  • There is some discretion with deciding on what to order as requests may come from undergraduate students, graduate students and staff. Often the faculty instructor has forgotten to renew their request for the title needed for the course but the students still need to watch it.  A good rule of thumb on whether to order when the title is not requested from an instructor for course instruction, is
    1. how many requests you received for that title for that course(s) and the reason given (i.e. needed for course);
    2. when searching catalog, if we have the DVD, suggest that form;
    3. if it's a popular or feature film, suggest that the title may be on another streaming platform;
    4. at times may have to look up instructor for course given by students and email instructor if title needed for course. In general, it may take a little investigative work to make sure they are "legitimate" requests. It is also important to read the synopsis, length, etc. on Kanopy before ordering.


--To order or renew, go to Kanopy website

  1. Select "Log in" at the top right corner and enter your administrative credentials.
  2. Search for the film you wish to order using the search box. You can select the date the film should start, if needed.
  3. Select "Buy now" and choose Invoice Now ($150 or $300 depending upon 1 or 3 year lease). It will say "This video is in your cart." If you need to order another film, you can keep selecting titles and adding to the cart. This is also where you can select time at the Delay License Start Date. 
  4. Select "Cart" at the top right and add POL-18305, select "Checkout". It automatically puts the payment method, name of film and who will receive invoices. Select Review Order (review) and then hit Submit.

--To document the orders and notify the requester:

  1. Send selector Kanopy template email under Media Requests in the Wiki;
  2. I had Excel spreadsheet of streaming titles orders (Fall-Summer Media requests on the G:drive–I had a new tab for the next semester;
  3. Add to Alma by calling up PO (POL-18305), hit edit, hit notes, hit add note. Add title, course number, instructor and Save;
  4.  Add to MJ spreadsheet, cut and paste links from Kanopy email sent as well as Invoice # (fill out spreadsheet).
  5. Before it is catalogued, can notify instructor by using (link available).
  6. When it is catalogued, the catalog date will be added to the spreadsheet; this is usually done within a day or two.   

A couple of notes:

Kanopy has added several features; such as trailer viewing, ppr (public performance rights) status of a title (to see if a film has ppr, go to and search title. If ppr is available for a film there will be a small icon near the title You must use our platform link, not the admin account link

Turn in invoice to invoice box and copy Acquisitions Librarian on all correspondence.

For a list of fund manager see Collections Subject Selector Page

Media Email Templates


Dear <instructor>,

Your requested title is now available: <link to access>

Thank you,


Library Media Collection Policy


Dear <instructor>,

Thank you for your streaming media request for <film>. Many Hollywood and other popular films are not available through our standard library service providers. As well, the cost for licensing such films is often considerably higher per license than academic and documentary films.

In an effort to maximize resources to provide equitable service to as many instructors as possible, the Library is unable to license these more expensive films. While we regret we cannot fund such requests, some academic departments may opt to license these directly through Swank Motion Pictures.



Library Media Collection Policy


Dear <instructor>,

Thank you for your streaming media request for <film or tv series>. Much of the streaming content available via Amazon, Hulu and Netflix is unavailable for licensing outside of direct-to-consumer channels. Netflix does make some of their documentaries available for one-time educational screenings. 

In this case, the film you requested is available via <link to commercial streaming> and therefore the library cannot license access to this film.

Students have the option to access individual streaming access of this video through personal purchase. Media which is only available for individual streaming purchase cannot be acquired or digitized by the Library, as we need to respect and follow copyright and intellectual property protections.  



Library Media Collection Policy


Dear <instructor>,

Thank you for your streaming media request for <film or tv series>. This film is only available for licensing via <independent distributor>. We regret that we are unable to pursue the lengthy licensing process for this title. University and state procurement requirements necessitate processes that often take several months to complete for any given individual license.

Due to both the high volume demand for streaming media and e-books at this time, as well as limitations on staffing right now, we do not have the capacity to pursue such individual title-by-title licenses. While we understand this may be disappointing, we do have significant streaming media content available. Many of those options are detailed here in hopes you will be able to find alternative options to meet your curricular needs.



Library Media Collection Policy


Dear <instructor>

Subject Line:  DVD Digitization for <course number> and <course instructor>

cc:<subject selector>, <unit contact> (For UGL -


Thank you for your streaming media request for <film>. We have been unable to identify commercial streaming availability for this film, but do own the DVD. We do have the option to digitize films for classroom use when no commercial streaming option exists.  

We are including here the Library subject specialist for your department, as well as our digitization team to coordinate with you on this option. Turnaround time for digitization is two to four weeks. <Selector> will work with you on any accessibility needs that may impact your students. 

If this time frame will not work for your purposes, please let us know so we can cancel the digitization request. Otherwise, we will pull the DVD for digitization at this time.



Library Media Collection Policy

Media Digitization Workflow

Objective: Media Preservation and/or its lab partners will create and provide digital surrogates of the Library’s DVDs/video content. All evaluations of requests for reformatting will be subject to applicable copyright and licensing restrictions.

Use Cases:

  1. Individual use of DVDs/video content, whether for research, class assignments, or other needs, will be supported primarily through call slip requests and physical fulfillment.

    1. When remote delivery is the only method to provide access to an item, subject selectors will work with Library Acquisitions to attempt to purchase a streaming license.

  2. Classroom use of DVDs/video content, defined as the need to present media as part of an in-class viewing activity, will follow the full process described in this document, including searches for streaming licenses and, when appropriate criteria are met, digital reformatting of a physical disc.



Project Contact:


I. Receiving and Processing Patron Requests

  1. Patron requests streaming access to a video

  2. Selector works with acquisitions to find a digital copy the Library can purchase or licence, or that the requestor’s college can license, or that students can individually purchase.  The three options are:

    1. Library purchase/license options

      1. Existing Streaming Options

        1. Licensed Electronic Resources (via Alexander Street Press, Adam Matthew, ProQuest, etc.)

        2. Library Class-request Streaming Options

          1.  Kanopy, etc.       

        3. Title-by-title licensing from independent distributors is not offered by the University Library due to both limited staffing and the lengthy time frame between request and access. 

    2. Departmental Licensing via Swank or other streaming services (Library can provide referral to company)

    3. Student Direct Commercial streaming for 1-on-1 viewing via Amazon, Netflix, etc.

    4. Options will be presented on the website:

  3. If no streaming copy can be purchased (either by individuals or the Library), the item will be eligible for reformatting.

    1. Acquisitions contacts the selector and the Media Preservation Unit to initiate the digitization process    

      1. The selector communicates time expectations (currently estimated at 2-4 weeks) with the instructor to verify if the reformatting schedule will meet class needs

        1. At this time, the selector should work with the patron to determine if any students have accessibility needs requiring full ADA-compliant captioning.

        2. Once verified, Step II below (preparing DVD for vendor) will be initiated

        3. DVDs will be sent for reformatting in weekly shipments, one originating from the UGL, and the other from MPAL


II. Preparing DVD(s) for Reformatting

  1. Department staff pull DVD(s) from shelf.

  2. Department staff create a Work Order for the item, selecting “Media Preservation” 

  3. Open Library_DVD_Reformatting_Requests xls on Box and update the following fields:

    1. “Department” - enter department name, E. g. Undergraduate Library

    2. “Barcode” – enter UIUC barcode

    3.  “Title” – enter title of DVD

  4. Save xlsx

  5. Safely package DVDs for shipping

  6. Download vendor shipping label from DVD reformatting box folder. Shipping label direct link: Vendor_ShippingLabel 

    1. Update sender information

      1. Department contact name

      2. Department address

  7. Print shipping label

  8. Attach shipping label to box

  9. Open Library_DVD_Reformatting_Requests xlsx and update the following fields:

    1. “Shipped to Vendor (M/D/YYYY)”

    2. “Packaged By”

  10. Save xlsx

  11. Take package(s) to Norris Purdy.  

    1. Ground shipping (regular, non-overnight) can be given to Norris at any time during the day.

      1. If package(s) is not shipped on the day it is received, it will be shipped the following day

      2. Ground shipping takes 2-4 days for delivery to recipient

    2. NOTE: If overnight or other shipping arrangements are necessary, please contact Cristina Kuhn ( immediately as permissions and special arrangements are required before shipping. 

      1. Norris will provide tracking # to Cristina Kuhn (as requested on the vendor shipping label)

  12. E-mail Cristina Kuhn of outgoing DVD(s) shipment 


III. DVD Reformatting (Media Preservation)

Media Preservation will work with vendor on the reformatting, deliverables, metadata, and quality control of the DVD(s). 


IV. Post-Reformatting

  1. Media Preservation

    1. Place files in Media Space

      1. Add course instructor

      2. Add department lead contact

    2. Notify department contact that files are available on Media Space

    3. Request return of DVD(s) from vendor. 

      1. Instruct vendor who is department recipient

      2. Request tracking #.

    4. Notify department contact that DVD(s) are in transit. 

    5. Confirm with department receipt of DVD(s).

      1. Update Media Preservation project tracking records

    6. Files will be deposited for long-term preservation in the Medusa repository

  2. Department/Subject Selector

    1. Notify patron/faculty of DVD(s) content availability on Media Space

      1. Forward guides for incorporating Media Space items into Blackboard/Moodle/etc.

        1. Uploading:   

        2. Adding collaborators:  

        3. Integration with Blackboard:

    2. Return DVD(s) to shelf

For the most part, we use Kanopy for our streaming format or vendor. Sometimes we need to use another vendor for purchasing streaming titles, such as when Kanopy is unable to obtain the title. 

A contract must be set up with each individual streaming vendor before we can order from them, if the vendor is not already established in the University Banner system. To set up a company as a vendor, send an initial Streaming Media Information Request or Vendor Information Request letter to the potential vendor (under media templates under G:\AcqCatPres\Media Orders\Media Templates). They should respond to the questions in your letter. When the responses are satisfactory to you, forward the letter to Dustin Reinhart<> asking him to set them up as a vendor. He will contact you when they have been set up in Banner. 

There are several vendors with whom we already have contracts for streaming: see Word document Media Vendor Information G:\AcqCatPres\Media Orders for established vendors and their information.

To download vendors' films, we've also used Box and DVDs, besides email links:

*We no longer host streaming media.* 

Hi (name of student),

You mentioned you wish to show the film, (name of film). For public performance rights information, please see This link explains public performance rights and where to find them in the catalog record under Terms of Use. It also explains where you may go to purchase a film title if there are no public performance rights. Another format that may be available for a student group screening is through Kanopy, our streaming platform in the library. To see if your title is available in Kanopy, go to The titles generally have public performance rights. This means you may show this outside of the classroom and to groups, without admission charge of course.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.