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University Library


ACS Workflows: Acquisitions

Adding Multivolume Set (M-SET) Volumes Received on Approval

“Our cataloging is for our users; it’s not what’s easiest for us”-Robin Fay

Background:  European and Slavic Blanket order vendors will send volumes of Multivolume set works as they are published. There is an advantage to this: a fund manager doesn’t have to place a standing order for the title, they can have it included in their profile for their plan.

Some Approval Plan vendors indicate which are new MSET volumes

  • Harrassowitz sends them on separate invoices from other Approval items. The Account is BLO-H
  • Casalini puts piece of red card stock in the volumes
  • Amalivre puts a green slip in the volumes

However, because they are sent in an approval plan shipment, ACS staff must find the most complete bib and holding record in Alma, move the newly arrived item to it, and delete the single volume bib and holding records.

Additionally, as new volumes of a multivolume set are published, the information contained in the bib record must be updated. The record must change in content to match the new volumes published, so users can find them in our OPAC (Primo). Updating the record with the ISBNs for each volume in the set also reduces the chance that duplicate volumes will be ordered by mistake. 

This workflow will show:

  • How add the new volume to the correct bib and holding record
  • How to delete out unused records from Alma
  • How to update the bib record information in OCLC and Alma

Permissions / Apps Needed:

Tools needed:

  • Barcode reader
  • Pencil and eraser


Part A. Put the new single volume onto the multivolume record

  1. Find the bib record of the new volume. In Alma Cataloging search Physical Titles for the ISBN of the item.

You will retrieve one or two bib records. If you retrieve two bib records, the more detailed one is for the multivolume set.

  1. Copy the OCLC number for that record and paste it into Sticky Notes or Notepad and note that it’s the “set record”
  2. Then copy the OCLC record number for the single volume, paste it into Sticky Notes and note it’s the “single record”

  1. Go to the “shorter record” which is for the new volume. Navigate to the Item record for that volume and Left click on Items

  1. Left Click on the ellipses at the right

  1. At the open menu, left click on Edit.

Barcode the item

Enter the Copy ID

Is Magnetic - Yes

Pieces - 1

volume enumeration (just the number)

the description (v.#).


  1. Scan in the barcode into the Barcode field. After saving, you will get the item list screen.
  2. Check the box to the left of the item. Then left click on Manage Selected. A dropdown menu will appear. Select Relink to Another Bib

This screen will appear:

Move your cursor to the box labeled Select from a list and left click. This screen will appear

Copy and paste the OCLC number of the mset record that you pasted into Sticky Notes and hit enter

The record will appear and be yellowed:

Left click on it to select the bib record.

The holding record(s) will appear. There is only one holding for this bib. Left click the dot to the left. It will turn blue. Then left click on the Select button at the upper right to relink the item to this holding record.

After the relink, this screen will appear:

Left click on the radio button next to the last option: Delete bibliographic record (unless other holdings are present). Then click Go

You must do these steps. If you don’t, the single volume bib and holding records will appear in Primo, confusing patrons. So help them out and get these unneeded records out of Alma and Primo.

Part B. Get our holdings off the single volume record in OCLC

  1. Sign into OCLC Connexion.
  2. Key F2 to open the search box

  1. Move your cursor to the search box and select ISBN. With your barcode reader, scan the ISBN of the single volume you just moved to the mset record.

The top volume in blue is the correct one to select, because it is for a book with 354 pages, NOT 2 volumes. So that’s the record for the single volume that was just deleted from Alma. You want to remove our institution’s holdings from that record so that people searching in WorldCat won’t be mislead.

  1. Double left click on the record to retrieve it.
  2. Left click on the menu option at the top of the screen labeled Action, select Holdings and select Delete Holdings

The holdings are no longer on this record. OCLC’s record now match with reality: we don’t have that record or holdings for it in Alma.

Part C. Improving the information in the M Set record.

  1. In Alma cataloging, search Physical Titles Keyword and Scan the barcode of the newly cataloged item to bring up the bib record.
  2. Navigate to Physical, left click on the dot or word to reveal the Holdings and Items
  3. Left click on Holdings to bring up the Holdings record.

  1. Left click on Edit to open the Holdings record in the MD Editor

  1. Move your cursor the the LDR field

  1. Cntl + F to open the Field Editor. A new screen appears:

  1. In the type of record field, verify that the type is v. Change it to v, using the accordion menu if it is s or y.
  2. In the Encoding level (17) change it to 4

  1. Left click on the arrow next to the Save diskette icon and select Save and Release Record.
  2. Click on the title to open the record in the MD editor to examine all the fields.

The following things should be in the IZ version of the record

  • ISBN (020 field) for every volume held by our library.
  • Series information (490 field) (including numbers for every volume)
  • Enhanced contents information (505 field) for every volume
  • Traced series information (830 field) except, you MUST remove the subfield x and the ISSN that follows. Primo displays too many results if it is present.

If any of this needs to be added to the bib record and it is NOT a PCC record (pcc present in the 042 field), the best practice is to edit the record in OCLC Connexion, save the changes, export the record to Alma and save it to the IZ and our holdings.

  1. To do that, sign into OCLC Connexion
  2. F2 to open the search box. In Command Line Search type # followed by the OCLC number of the mset record and hit enter

That will bring up the OCLC record

Examine the record to see if there is a 042 Field that contains pcc. If there is, you will not be able to save your changes, but you can edit the record and export it to Alma.

Move your cursor to the 020 fields.  Verify if there is a 020 field for the volume you just cataloged.

If there is not, move your cursor to the end of the last 020 field and hit Enter.

In the empty field enter 020. Hit your space bar 2 times to move the cursor into the field space. Scan the ISBN of the volume you just cataloged. If the volumes in the record have subfield q information, copy the field information and paste it after the ISBN AND change the volume number to match the volume number you have in hand.

If the volume is part of a monographic series, that series title will be on a separate title page.

If the series volume number is not listed in the 490 field, add it. Consecutive numbers are separated by a – but non consecutive numbers are separated by a comma.   For example, if the series volumes numbers are 8, 9, 10, 13, are entered as 8-10, 13

If the series is authorized (MARC fields 490 1 _) make sure it is also traced (MARC 830 _0).

However, if the 830 field has a subfield x with an ISSN following it, uncontrol the field (Cntl F11) and delete the x, the delimiter and the ISSN.

Control the 830 _0 field moving your cursor to the field and hitting F11

But the most important edit is the 505 field – the contents note. If the 505 has values of 1 and 0 or 0 0, it is an enhanced contents note. The titles and author are prefaced by a delimiter and a letter. That makes them searchable in Alma Primo under title or author keyword searches.