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Philosophers' Works

When classifying philosphy, check the Philosophers' List to determine if a number has already been established for the individual philosopher.

Biography or Criticism

A note on classifying biography or criticism of philosophers (books about individual philosophers or their works):

A criticism or biography of an individual philosopher is classed in the 180’s or 190’s as appropriate:

  1. Cutter from the philosopher, using the established number from the Philosophers' List, if one exists
  2. Add a capital “Y” to signify a work about the philosopher
  3. Add a workmark from the name of the critic or biographer.

Within Philosophy, the “ Y” indicates either Critical or Biographical works. This is done regardless of how many works have been established at this number. However, to ensure that books are collocated correctly, see the Philosophers' List to find numbers which have already been established.

A biography or criticism of two or more philosophers is classified in the 190’s (or elsewhere in the 100’s if more appropriate), and cuttered from the name of the critic or biographer; add a workmark from the title.

Established Numbers for Philosophers

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z

Abelard, Peter 189.4Ab1
Adorno, Theodor 193Ad7
Albertus, Magnus, Saint 189.4Al1
Alembert, Jean Le Rond d'   194Al2
Alsted, Johann Heinrich 193Al7
Althusser, Louis 194Al7
Anders,  Gunther 193An2
Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury 189.4An8
Apel, Karl-Otto 193Ap2
Arendt, Hannah 320.530924Ar3
Aristotle 185Ar4
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo 189.2Au4
Austin, J.L. (John Langshaw) 192Au761
Avenarius, Richard 193Av3
Averroes 181.947Av3
Avicenna 189.3Av5
Ayer, A.J. (Alfred Jules) 192Ay2
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Baader, Franz von 193B11
Bachelard, Gaston 194B12
Bacon, Francis 192B13
Bacon, Roger 192B131
Baudrillard, Jean 194B3252
Beauvoir, Simone de 194B38
Beneke, Friedrich Eduard 193B43
Benjamin, Walter 193B438
Bentham, Jeremy 192B44
Berdiaev (or Berdyaev), Nikolai Aleksandrovich 197B45
Bergson, Henri 194B45
Berkeley, George 192B45
Berlin, Isaiah, Sir  192B455
Bloch, Ernst 193B62
Blondel, Maurice 194B62
Boethius 871B6
Bolzano, Bernard 199.43B639
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich 193B64
Bradley, F.H. (Francis Herbert) 192B72
Brentano, Franz Clemens 193B75
Brito, Raymundo de Farias 199.81B77
Brownson, Orestes Augustus 191B81
Bruno, Giordano 195B83
Buber, Martin 193B852
Bulgakov, Sergei Nikolaevich 197B87
Buridan, Jean 189.4B91
Burke, Kenneth 191B91
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Campanella, Tommaso 195C15
Camus, Albert 845C15
Carnap, Rudolf  191C21
Cassirer, Ernst 193C27
Chuang-Tzu see Zhuangzi  
Chisolm, Roderick M. 191C44
Cohen, Hermann 193C66
Collingwood, R.G. (Robin George) 192C691
Comte, Auguste 194C739
Condillac, Etienne Bonnet de 194C75
Condorcet, Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat, marquis de 194C754
Confucius 181.1C76
Cournot, A. A. (Antoine Augustin) 194C829
Croce, Benedetto 195C87
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Dagognet, Francois 194D134
Davidson, Donald 191D28
Del Noce, Augusto 195D37
Deleuze, Gilles 194D37
Derrida, Jacques 194D4482
Descartes, Rene 194D45
Dewey, John 191D51
Diderot, Denis 194D56
Dietzgen, Josef 193D56
Dilthey, Wilhelm 193D58
Dummett, Michael A.E. 192D896
Duns Scotus, John 189.4D92
Dussel, Enrique D. 199.8D94
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Eckhart, Meister 189.5Ec5
Edwards, Jonathan 191Ed96
Erasmus, Desiderius 199.492Er1
Eucken, Rudolf 193Eu2
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Feuerbach, Ludwig 193F43
Feyerabend, Paul K. 193F437
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 193F44
Ficino, Marsilio 189F44
Foucault, Michel 194F821
Frank, S.L (Semen Liudvigovich) or Simon Frank 197F85
Frege, Gottlob 193F88
Fries, Jakob Friedrich 193F91
Fromm, Erich 191F92
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Gadamer, Hans-Georg 193G11
Gandhi, Mahatma 181.4G15
Gans, Eduard 193G158
Gassendi, Pierre 194G21
Gaus, Jose 199.72G159
Gehlen, Arnold 193G274
Gentile, Giovanni 195G28
Gersonides see Levi ben Gershom  
Gilson, Etienne 194G44
Ghose, Aurobindo (Sri Aurobindo) 181.45G34
Goldmann, Lucien 193G56
Goodman, Nelson 191G62
Gramsci, Antonio 195G762
Grant, George Parkin 191G76
Green, T.H. (Thomas Hill) 192G82
Grice, H.P. (H. Paul) 192G871
Guenon, Rene 194G92
Gurdjieff, G.I. (Georges Ivanovitch) 197G96
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Habermas, Jurgen 193H113
Hamann, Johann Georg 193H171
Hamilton, William, Sir 192H18
Han, Fei 181.11H19
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 193H36
Heidegger, Martin 193H362
Helvetius, Claude Adrien 194H36
Hempel, Carl Gustav 191H376
Herbert, Johann Friedrich 193H41
Herder, Johann Gottfried 193H413
Hobbes, Thomas 192H65
Holbach, Paul Henri Thiry, baron d' 194H69
Honigswald, Richard 193H75
Horkheimer, Max 193H782
Hu, Shih 181.11H86
Humboldt, Wilhelm, Freiherr von 193H88
Hume, David 192H88
Husserl, Edmund 193H96
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Ibn al-Arabi, Muhammad ibn Abd Allah 181.5Ib5
Ibn Rushd, Abū al-Walīd see Averroes  
I Ching (Yi jing) [Uniform Title] 181.1Ich34
Iqbal, Muhammed, Sir 181.07Iq1
Irigaray, Luce 194Ir4
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Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich 193J15
James, William 191J23
Jaspers, Carl (Karl) 193J31
Johannes Scotus Erigena 189.4J57
John, of Salisbury 189.4J61
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Keyserling, Hermann, Graf von 193K52
Kant, Immanuel 193K13
Kierkegaard, Soren 198K54
Kotarbinski, Tadeusz 199.438K84
Krause, Karl Christian Friedrich 193K86
Krishnamurti, J. (Jiddu) 181.4K89
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Labriola, Antonio 195L11
Lambert, Johann Heinrich 193L17
La Mettrie, Julien Offray de 194L183
Lask, Emil 193L334
Lavelle, Louis 194L38
Lefebvre, Henri 194L521
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 193L53
Leroux, Pierre 194L56
Levi ben Gershom (Gersonides) 189L57
Levinas, Emmanuel 194L578
Lewis, David K. 191L585
Llull, Ramon 189.4L779
Locke, John 192L79
Lonergan, Bernard J. F. 192L84
Lotze, Hermann (Rudolf Hermann) 193L91
Lowith, Karl 193L954
Lucretius Carus, Titus 187L96
Lukacs, Gyorgy, (Georg) 199.439L968
Lyotard, Jean Francois 194L995
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MacIntyre, Alasdair C. 192M18
Maimon, Salomon 193M28
Maine de Biran, Pierre 194M28
Maistre, Joseph Marie, comte de 194M287
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204 181.3M85
Malebranche, Nicolas  194M29
Marcel, Gabriel 194M32
Marcuse, Herbert  191M334
Marias, Julian 196M33
Maritain, Jacques 194M33
Marx, Karl 193M36
McTaggart, John McTaggart Ellis 192M25
Mead, George Herbert 191M46
Meinong, A. (Alexius) 193M477
Mencius 181.1M52
Melanchthon, Philip 193M48
Mendelssohn, Moses 193M52
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 194M54
Mikhailovsky (or Michailowsky), N.K.(Nikolai Konstantinovich) 197M589
Mill, John Stuart 192M59
Moore, G.E. (George Edward) 192M783
More, Henry 192M81
Mounier, Emmanuel 194M86
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Nancy, Jean-Luc 194N153
Neurath, Otto 193N398
Nicholas of Cusa 189.4N542
Nietzsche, Friedrich 193N55
Nishida, Kitaro 181.12N63
Nozick, Robert 191N879
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William of Ockham 189.4Oc4
Ortega y Gasset, Jose 196Or8
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Paracelsus 189.5P21
Pascal, Blaise 194P26
Patocka, Jan 199.437P274
Philo of Alexandria 181.3P54
Peirce, Charles S. 191P61
Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni Francesco 195P58
Pieper, Josef 193P598
Plato  184P69
Plotinus 186.4P72
Pomporazzi, Pietro 195P77
Popper, Karl Raimund 192P81
Proclus 186.4P94
Putnam, Hilary   191P983
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Quine, W.V. (Willard Van Orman) 191Q44
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Ramakrishna, Sri 181.4R14
Rand, Ayn 191R152
Reid, Thomas 192R27
Reinhold, Karl Leonhard 193R275
Rescher, Nicholas 191R31
Ricoeur, Paul 194R42
Romero, Francisco 199R662
Rorty, Richard 191R697
Rosmini, Antonio 195R73
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 194R73
Royce, Josiah 191R81
Russell, Bertrand 192R91
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Sankaracarya (Sankara/Shankara) 181.482Sa5
Santayana, George 191Sa5
Sartre, Jean-Paul 194Sa7
Scheler, Max 193Sch26
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von 193Sch2
Schlegel, Friedrich 193Sch31
Schleiermacher, Friedrich 193Sch37
Schlick, Moritz  193Sch39
Schopenhauer, Arthur  193Sch6
Serres, Michel  194Se68
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, (Third) Earl of,  192Sh1
Shestov (or Shostov), Lev (or Lev Isaakovich Shvartsman)  197Sh5
Simmel, Georg   193Si4
Skovoroda, Hryhorii Savych 199.477Sk5
Solovyov, Vladimir Sergeyevich (Solov'ev, Soloviev, etc.) 197So4
Spencer, Herbert 192Sp3
Spengler, Oswald    193Sp35
Spinoza, Benedictus de 193Sp4
Sri Aurobindo see Ghose, Aurobindo  
Stein, Edith, Saint 193St342
Steiner, Rudolf 193St35
Swedenborg, Emmanuel 198Sw33
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Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre 194T23
Telesio , Bernardino 195T23
Thomas Aquinas , Saint 189.4T36
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Varela, Felix 199V42
Vaz Ferreira, Carlos 199.895V47
Vico, Giambattista 195V66
Vivekananda, Swami 181.48V83
Vives, Juan Luis 196V83
Voegelin, Eric 193V856
von Hildebrand, Dietrich 193V89
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Wang Yangming 181.11W18
Weber, Max 193W38
Weil, Simone 194W42
Weiss, Paul 191W43
Whitehead, Alfred North  192W58
Wittgenstein, Ludwig  193W78
Wolff, Christian, Freiherr von  193W83
Wright,  G. H. von (Georg Henrik)      198.8W93
Wundt, Wilhelm Max 193W96
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Zea, Leopoldo 199.72Z19
Zhuangzi (Chuang-Tzu) 181.11C47
Zubiri, Xavier  196Z8

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