When classifying philosphy, check the Philosophers' List to determine if a number has already been established for the individual philosopher.
A note on classifying biography or criticism of philosophers (books about individual philosophers or their works):
A criticism or biography of an individual philosopher is classed in the 180’s or 190’s as appropriate:
Within Philosophy, the “ Y” indicates either Critical or Biographical works. This is done regardless of how many works have been established at this number. However, to ensure that books are collocated correctly, see the Philosophers' List to find numbers which have already been established.
A biography or criticism of two or more philosophers is classified in the 190’s (or elsewhere in the 100’s if more appropriate), and cuttered from the name of the critic or biographer; add a workmark from the title.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z
Abelard, Peter | 189.4Ab1 |
Adorno, Theodor | 193Ad7 |
Albertus, Magnus, Saint | 189.4Al1 |
Alembert, Jean Le Rond d' | 194Al2 |
Alsted, Johann Heinrich | 193Al7 |
Althusser, Louis | 194Al7 |
Anders, Gunther | 193An2 |
Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury | 189.4An8 |
Apel, Karl-Otto | 193Ap2 |
Arendt, Hannah | 320.530924Ar3 |
Aristotle | 185Ar4 |
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo | 189.2Au4 |
Austin, J.L. (John Langshaw) | 192Au761 |
Avenarius, Richard | 193Av3 |
Averroes | 181.947Av3 |
Avicenna | 189.3Av5 |
Ayer, A.J. (Alfred Jules) | 192Ay2 |
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Baader, Franz von | 193B11 |
Bachelard, Gaston | 194B12 |
Bacon, Francis | 192B13 |
Bacon, Roger | 192B131 |
Baudrillard, Jean | 194B3252 |
Beauvoir, Simone de | 194B38 |
Beneke, Friedrich Eduard | 193B43 |
Benjamin, Walter | 193B438 |
Bentham, Jeremy | 192B44 |
Berdiaev (or Berdyaev), Nikolai Aleksandrovich | 197B45 |
Bergson, Henri | 194B45 |
Berkeley, George | 192B45 |
Berlin, Isaiah, Sir | 192B455 |
Bloch, Ernst | 193B62 |
Blondel, Maurice | 194B62 |
Boethius | 871B6 |
Bolzano, Bernard | 199.43B639 |
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich | 193B64 |
Bradley, F.H. (Francis Herbert) | 192B72 |
Brentano, Franz Clemens | 193B75 |
Brito, Raymundo de Farias | 199.81B77 |
Brownson, Orestes Augustus | 191B81 |
Bruno, Giordano | 195B83 |
Buber, Martin | 193B852 |
Bulgakov, Sergei Nikolaevich | 197B87 |
Buridan, Jean | 189.4B91 |
Burke, Kenneth | 191B91 |
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Campanella, Tommaso | 195C15 |
Camus, Albert | 845C15 |
Carnap, Rudolf | 191C21 |
Cassirer, Ernst | 193C27 |
Chuang-Tzu see Zhuangzi | |
Chisolm, Roderick M. | 191C44 |
Cohen, Hermann | 193C66 |
Collingwood, R.G. (Robin George) | 192C691 |
Comte, Auguste | 194C739 |
Condillac, Etienne Bonnet de | 194C75 |
Condorcet, Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat, marquis de | 194C754 |
Confucius | 181.1C76 |
Cournot, A. A. (Antoine Augustin) | 194C829 |
Croce, Benedetto | 195C87 |
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Dagognet, Francois | 194D134 |
Davidson, Donald | 191D28 |
Del Noce, Augusto | 195D37 |
Deleuze, Gilles | 194D37 |
Derrida, Jacques | 194D4482 |
Descartes, Rene | 194D45 |
Dewey, John | 191D51 |
Diderot, Denis | 194D56 |
Dietzgen, Josef | 193D56 |
Dilthey, Wilhelm | 193D58 |
Dummett, Michael A.E. | 192D896 |
Duns Scotus, John | 189.4D92 |
Dussel, Enrique D. | 199.8D94 |
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Eckhart, Meister | 189.5Ec5 |
Edwards, Jonathan | 191Ed96 |
Erasmus, Desiderius | 199.492Er1 |
Eucken, Rudolf | 193Eu2 |
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Feuerbach, Ludwig | 193F43 |
Feyerabend, Paul K. | 193F437 |
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb | 193F44 |
Ficino, Marsilio | 189F44 |
Foucault, Michel | 194F821 |
Frank, S.L (Semen Liudvigovich) or Simon Frank | 197F85 |
Frege, Gottlob | 193F88 |
Fries, Jakob Friedrich | 193F91 |
Fromm, Erich | 191F92 |
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Gadamer, Hans-Georg | 193G11 |
Gandhi, Mahatma | 181.4G15 |
Gans, Eduard | 193G158 |
Gassendi, Pierre | 194G21 |
Gaus, Jose | 199.72G159 |
Gehlen, Arnold | 193G274 |
Gentile, Giovanni | 195G28 |
Gersonides see Levi ben Gershom | |
Gilson, Etienne | 194G44 |
Ghose, Aurobindo (Sri Aurobindo) | 181.45G34 |
Goldmann, Lucien | 193G56 |
Goodman, Nelson | 191G62 |
Gramsci, Antonio | 195G762 |
Grant, George Parkin | 191G76 |
Green, T.H. (Thomas Hill) | 192G82 |
Grice, H.P. (H. Paul) | 192G871 |
Guenon, Rene | 194G92 |
Gurdjieff, G.I. (Georges Ivanovitch) | 197G96 |
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Habermas, Jurgen | 193H113 |
Hamann, Johann Georg | 193H171 |
Hamilton, William, Sir | 192H18 |
Han, Fei | 181.11H19 |
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich | 193H36 |
Heidegger, Martin | 193H362 |
Helvetius, Claude Adrien | 194H36 |
Hempel, Carl Gustav | 191H376 |
Herbert, Johann Friedrich | 193H41 |
Herder, Johann Gottfried | 193H413 |
Hobbes, Thomas | 192H65 |
Holbach, Paul Henri Thiry, baron d' | 194H69 |
Honigswald, Richard | 193H75 |
Horkheimer, Max | 193H782 |
Hu, Shih | 181.11H86 |
Humboldt, Wilhelm, Freiherr von | 193H88 |
Hume, David | 192H88 |
Husserl, Edmund | 193H96 |
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Ibn al-Arabi, Muhammad ibn Abd Allah | 181.5Ib5 |
Ibn Rushd, Abū al-Walīd see Averroes | |
I Ching (Yi jing) [Uniform Title] | 181.1Ich34 |
Iqbal, Muhammed, Sir | 181.07Iq1 |
Irigaray, Luce | 194Ir4 |
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Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich | 193J15 |
James, William | 191J23 |
Jaspers, Carl (Karl) | 193J31 |
Johannes Scotus Erigena | 189.4J57 |
John, of Salisbury | 189.4J61 |
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Keyserling, Hermann, Graf von | 193K52 |
Kant, Immanuel | 193K13 |
Kierkegaard, Soren | 198K54 |
Kotarbinski, Tadeusz | 199.438K84 |
Krause, Karl Christian Friedrich | 193K86 |
Krishnamurti, J. (Jiddu) | 181.4K89 |
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Labriola, Antonio | 195L11 |
Lambert, Johann Heinrich | 193L17 |
La Mettrie, Julien Offray de | 194L183 |
Lask, Emil | 193L334 |
Lavelle, Louis | 194L38 |
Lefebvre, Henri | 194L521 |
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm | 193L53 |
Leroux, Pierre | 194L56 |
Levi ben Gershom (Gersonides) | 189L57 |
Levinas, Emmanuel | 194L578 |
Lewis, David K. | 191L585 |
Llull, Ramon | 189.4L779 |
Locke, John | 192L79 |
Lonergan, Bernard J. F. | 192L84 |
Lotze, Hermann (Rudolf Hermann) | 193L91 |
Lowith, Karl | 193L954 |
Lucretius Carus, Titus | 187L96 |
Lukacs, Gyorgy, (Georg) | 199.439L968 |
Lyotard, Jean Francois | 194L995 |
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MacIntyre, Alasdair C. | 192M18 |
Maimon, Salomon | 193M28 |
Maine de Biran, Pierre | 194M28 |
Maistre, Joseph Marie, comte de | 194M287 |
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204 | 181.3M85 |
Malebranche, Nicolas | 194M29 |
Marcel, Gabriel | 194M32 |
Marcuse, Herbert | 191M334 |
Marias, Julian | 196M33 |
Maritain, Jacques | 194M33 |
Marx, Karl | 193M36 |
McTaggart, John McTaggart Ellis | 192M25 |
Mead, George Herbert | 191M46 |
Meinong, A. (Alexius) | 193M477 |
Mencius | 181.1M52 |
Melanchthon, Philip | 193M48 |
Mendelssohn, Moses | 193M52 |
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice | 194M54 |
Mikhailovsky (or Michailowsky), N.K.(Nikolai Konstantinovich) | 197M589 |
Mill, John Stuart | 192M59 |
Moore, G.E. (George Edward) | 192M783 |
More, Henry | 192M81 |
Mounier, Emmanuel | 194M86 |
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Nancy, Jean-Luc | 194N153 |
Neurath, Otto | 193N398 |
Nicholas of Cusa | 189.4N542 |
Nietzsche, Friedrich | 193N55 |
Nishida, Kitaro | 181.12N63 |
Nozick, Robert | 191N879 |
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William of Ockham | 189.4Oc4 |
Ortega y Gasset, Jose | 196Or8 |
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Paracelsus | 189.5P21 |
Pascal, Blaise | 194P26 |
Patocka, Jan | 199.437P274 |
Philo of Alexandria | 181.3P54 |
Peirce, Charles S. | 191P61 |
Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni Francesco | 195P58 |
Pieper, Josef | 193P598 |
Plato | 184P69 |
Plotinus | 186.4P72 |
Pomporazzi, Pietro | 195P77 |
Popper, Karl Raimund | 192P81 |
Proclus | 186.4P94 |
Putnam, Hilary | 191P983 |
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Quine, W.V. (Willard Van Orman) | 191Q44 |
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Ramakrishna, Sri | 181.4R14 |
Rand, Ayn | 191R152 |
Reid, Thomas | 192R27 |
Reinhold, Karl Leonhard | 193R275 |
Rescher, Nicholas | 191R31 |
Ricoeur, Paul | 194R42 |
Romero, Francisco | 199R662 |
Rorty, Richard | 191R697 |
Rosmini, Antonio | 195R73 |
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques | 194R73 |
Royce, Josiah | 191R81 |
Russell, Bertrand | 192R91 |
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Sankaracarya (Sankara/Shankara) | 181.482Sa5 |
Santayana, George | 191Sa5 |
Sartre, Jean-Paul | 194Sa7 |
Scheler, Max | 193Sch26 |
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von | 193Sch2 |
Schlegel, Friedrich | 193Sch31 |
Schleiermacher, Friedrich | 193Sch37 |
Schlick, Moritz | 193Sch39 |
Schopenhauer, Arthur | 193Sch6 |
Serres, Michel | 194Se68 |
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, (Third) Earl of, | 192Sh1 |
Shestov (or Shostov), Lev (or Lev Isaakovich Shvartsman) | 197Sh5 |
Simmel, Georg | 193Si4 |
Skovoroda, Hryhorii Savych | 199.477Sk5 |
Solovyov, Vladimir Sergeyevich (Solov'ev, Soloviev, etc.) | 197So4 |
Spencer, Herbert | 192Sp3 |
Spengler, Oswald | 193Sp35 |
Spinoza, Benedictus de | 193Sp4 |
Sri Aurobindo see Ghose, Aurobindo | |
Stein, Edith, Saint | 193St342 |
Steiner, Rudolf | 193St35 |
Swedenborg, Emmanuel | 198Sw33 |
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Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre | 194T23 |
Telesio , Bernardino | 195T23 |
Thomas Aquinas , Saint | 189.4T36 |
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Varela, Felix | 199V42 |
Vaz Ferreira, Carlos | 199.895V47 |
Vico, Giambattista | 195V66 |
Vivekananda, Swami | 181.48V83 |
Vives, Juan Luis | 196V83 |
Voegelin, Eric | 193V856 |
von Hildebrand, Dietrich | 193V89 |
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Wang Yangming | 181.11W18 |
Weber, Max | 193W38 |
Weil, Simone | 194W42 |
Weiss, Paul | 191W43 |
Whitehead, Alfred North | 192W58 |
Wittgenstein, Ludwig | 193W78 |
Wolff, Christian, Freiherr von | 193W83 |
Wright, G. H. von (Georg Henrik) | 198.8W93 |
Wundt, Wilhelm Max | 193W96 |
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Zea, Leopoldo | 199.72Z19 |
Zhuangzi (Chuang-Tzu) | 181.11C47 |
Zubiri, Xavier | 196Z8 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z