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Cataloging Services: Dewey Decimal Classification

Editions, Conferences, & Translations in Dewey

Several categories of material should always be classed with related titles.  The general principle is that each edition of a work and each volume of a conference not classified as a serial has its own record but needs to be linked to the related works by assigning the same class number and Cutter number.  A translation should also have a call number based on the number for the original work.


If the Library receives a book marked second, third, or subsequent edition, or a new edition of an earlier work:

  1. Search Alma to see whether we have the earlier edition classed in Dewey
  2. If yes:
    • Assign the same class number and Cutter number to the new edition
      • Use the same number even if no longer "current" or a different number is suggested in the bib record
    • Put the year of the work after the work mark, with no space.
      • The 3rd edition of Harlow G. Unger's Encyclopedia of American education has the MFHD:
        852 1_ ‡b shr-nc ‡h 370.973 ‡i Un32e2007 ‡t 1
  3. If no:
    • Follow procedure for assigning a Dewey number
      • Put the year of the work after the work mark, with no space, to allow for previous editions if they arrive


Proceedings of conferences identified as the second, third, or other number should be classified together.

  1. Search Alma to see if a serial record exists
  2. If no serial record exists, search Alma to see if other years of the conference are classed in Dewey
    • If yes:
      • Assign the same class and Cutter number as previous publications
      • Omit the work mark and add the year of the conference to the call number (with no spaces)
        • E.g., The proceedings of the 3rd Australian Computer Conference in 1966 has the MFHD:
          852 1_ ‡b engnx ‡h 004 ‡i Au781966
    • If proceedings have distinctive titles:
      • Assign the same class and Cutter number as previous publications
      • Change the workmark to reflect the title
    • If an unnumbered conference with a year in the main entry:
      • Do not include year in call number


A translation should be shelved following the original work:

  1. Search Alma for the original title to see if we have it and if it is classed in Dewey
    • If yes:
      • Assign the same class number, Cutter number, and work mark as the original
      • Add a colon and the language letter(s) for the language of the translation.
        • E.g., The English translation of Svetlana Aleksievich's Charnobylskaia malitva has the MFHD:
          852 1_ ‡b stx ‡h 363.17990947 ‡i Al25c:E
    • If no:
      • Use the uniform title for the original to determine the work mark
      • Add a colon and the language letter(s) for the language of the translation
      • If the original title cannot be determined, use the translated title for the work mark and add the colon and language letter(s) for the translation

Note: A collection of works in translation not published together originally is not treated as a translation.

Language Letters for Translations


A Arabic F French LA Latvian R Russian
AF Afrikaans FA Faroese LI Lithuanian RO Romansh [Raeto-Romance]
AL Albanian FI Finnish LO Low German RU Romanian
AN Anglo-Saxon FL Flemish M Marathi S Swedish
AR Armenian G German MA Macedonian SA Sanskrit
ARA Aramaic GA Gaelic (Scots) MD Middle Dutch SC Scots [Lowland Scots]
AS Asian languages in Cyrillic GL Gallegan ME Middle English SE Serbian
B Bulgarian GE Georgian MHG Middle High German SL Slovak
BE Bengali GI Gilbertsese MLG Middle Low German SO Sorbian [Wendish]
BM Bemba GN Guarani MO Moldavian SP Spanish
BY Belarusian [Byelorussian] GR Greek N Norwegian SV Slovenian
C Coptic GU Gujarati NA Navaho SW Swahili
CA Catalan H Hawaiian NY Nyanja T Turkish
CH Choctaw HA Hausa OE Old English TA Tamil
CHA Chiapanec HE Hebrew OF Old French TH Thai
CHI Chinese HI Hindi OJ Ojibwa TI Tibetan
OJ Chippewa [use Ojibwa] [formerly CHP] HU Hungarian ON Old Norse TO Tonga [Zambesi]
CHU Church Slavic I Italian OS Old Swedish TS Tswana
CR Croatian IC Icelandic OSA Old Saxon [Old Low German] U Ukrainian
CZ Czech IR Irish [Irish Gaelic] OSP Old Spanish UR Urdu
D Dutch J Japanese P Portuguese V Vietnamese
DA Danish JI Jivaro PA Panjabi W Welsh
DAK Dakota K Karen PE Pennsylvania German SO Wendish [use Sorbian]
E English KA Kashubian PO Polish BY White Russian [Use Belarusian]
ES Estonian KO Korean PP Papiamento XHO Xhosa
ESP Esperanto KS Kashmiri PR Provencal Y Yoruba
ET Ethiopic L Latin Q Quechua YI Yiddish
            Z Zulu