Settings in OCLC Connexion are specific to your logon and the particular machine you're working on. Defaults and preferences will not follow you as you move from one machine to another.
The following options should be set to insure the correct workflow at UIUC. Other options may be set according to personal preference.
To set preferences, select Tools > Options in the Connexion toolbar.
The settings in this tab determine what fields will transfer when you derive a new record from an existing one.
Set as appropriate to your material type, but generally check the following:
Use the OCLC Connexion / Alma Integration instructions to set up your Export file
Under Records and Lists, set "Font" to Arial Unicode MS.
You can set Record and List display and print sizes as you desire.
Under Export, select Include all data, with other scripts in 880 fields.
If you are performing original cataloging:
These settings will cause new workforms to default to RDA, and allow you to access relevant parts the RDA toolkit via Tools > RDA Toolkit.