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University Library


Cataloging Services: LC Classification

Acquisitions & Cataloging Services

LC Book Labels

Many department libraries use Library of Congress (LC) call numbers. This document outlines the structure of the LC call number and how to create labels.


LC call numbers are first arranged alphabetically, according to the letter or letters at the beginning of the call number, which correspond to the subject matter of the item.

Example: Call numbers beginning with P are followed by PA, PB, PC, etc.

Within the alphabetical section, books are arranged by the number(s) that follow. These numbers are regarded as whole numbers. For instance, PS1200 comes after PS345.

Example: QA56 before QA234 before QA234.57 before QA234.8

The next comes alphabetic, then numeric as a decimal. The numerical part of this section is a decimal number, not a whole number.

Example: HV1431.B7 before HV1431.B83 before HV1431.F25 before HV1431.F7

Edition / volume number / copy number follow the decimal number.

Example: PS3525.I52 1971 before PS3525.I52 1973 before PS3525.I52 1973a

Labeling & Marking

When the LC call number is printed as a label, we recommend having it in the following order as used in the majority of library collections:

The call number written in the book should be formatted in the same manner as the label.

If a label requires seven or more lines, it is recommended to use a template. Please contact CAM ( or Acquisitions ( when you have questions about using a template.