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Cataloging Services: LC Classification

Acquisitions & Cataloging Services

Editions in LC Classification

The following information has been adapted from the Classifcation and Shelflisting Manual F175 and G145.

  1. If a previously cataloged edition is correctly classified, assign the same number to the new edition being cataloged.
    • Do not assign the same class number if it is now obsolete. Classify the new edition under the new, current number
    • Do not assign the same class number if it represents a time period that is not represented by the new edition
  2. If a subsequent edition has the same author and title as previous editions, assign it the same call number and modify the date to reflect the publication date of the edition.
    First edition 2nd edition 3rd edition
    Essentials of media planning / Arnold M. Barban ... c1976. Essentials of media planning / Arnold M. Barban ... c1987. Essentials of media planning / Arnold M. Barban ... c1993.
    HF5826.5.B37 1976 HF5826.5.B37 1987 HF5826.5.B37 1993
  3. If a subsequent edition has the same title as previous editions but there is a variation in author, assign the same Cutter as the original if an edition statement and/or preferred title links the new edition to the previous edition.
    First edition 2nd edition 6th edition
    Investing in real estate / Andrew James McLean ... 1988. Investing in real estate / Andrew McLean and Gary Eldred ... 1996. Investing in real estate / Gary W. Eldred ... 2009.
    HD1382.5.M318 1988 HD1382.5.M318 1996 HD1382.5.M318 2009
  4. If the title of a subsequent edition varies from the title of a previous edition, assign the same call number as previous editions. There should be a preferred title to link the editions.
    Original edition Subsequent edition
    Disembodied voices / Craig Monson ... 1995. Divas in the convent / Craig Monson ... 2012.
    (Has preferred title: Disembodied voices)
    ML3033.8.B65 M66 1995 ML3033.8.B65 M66 2012
  5. If the entry of a work changes from the pre-RDA edition but the classification number remains the same, Cutter for the new form of entry.
    Title: Liberty, equality, power : a history of the American people / John Murrin, ... [et al.].
    Edition/Date: 5th ed. ... 2008.
    Added entry: Murrin, John M.
    Main entry: Murrin, John M.
    Title: Liberty, equality, power : a history of the American people / John Murrin, Paul E. Johnson ...
    Edition/Date: 6th ed. ... 2012.
    E178.1.L68 2008 E178.1.M97 2012