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University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Languages: Croatian Literature and Newspapers

Supplementary materials to support first year language program

Croatian Literature Online

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Zbirka Knjizevnih Djela na Hrvatskome Jeziku is the Croatian national corpus of material, a selection of texts in a variety of genres, styles and fields.  There are also a number of very interesting sites for retrospective journals and newspapers linked from this site. There are a number of websites with full text of Croatian literature.  There are also a large number of Croatian texts available via Google Books.  However, if you are looking particularly for belle lettres, this cite is excellent.
Elektronicke Knjige is sponsored by the Croatian Ministry of Culture and makes the full text of a variety of materials available.  Here you will find a Croatian translation of the writings of Anna Akhmatova along with poetry dedicated to Tito and brief biographies of many contemporary Croatian authors.
Treci Trg
Treci Trg is a Croatian literary journal.  The website provides access to the full text of back issues with a wide range of information on cultural events. 
"NGO Treći Trg is founded in Belgrade in 2004 as nongovernmental, nonprofit, nonpolitical association with the aim to research and affirm modern literature and culture. Treći Trg unites people of different interests which see art and culture as serious spiritual exercise.The most important projects started by Treći Trg are:
■ Literary and art magazine Treći Trg
■ Belgrade poetry festival TRGNI SE! POEZIJA! with the support of Ministry of Culture of Serbia and Secretary for Culture of the City of Belgrade
■ Panel discussions MOJTRG with the support of Secretary for Culture of the City of Belgrade
■ Creative workshops project TRGNI SE! STVARAJ NA NOVOM BEGORADU! with the support of Balkan Community Initiatives Fund, in cooperation with Municipality Novi Beograd, Youth Office of Municipality Novi Beograd and high technical schools Tehnička škola Novi Beograd and Politehnika škola."

Historical Newspapers

Stare hrvatske novine: portal digitaliziranih novina is a portal that provides access to Croatian HistoriNewspapers from the Natioanl and University Library of Zagreb and other Croatian heritage institutions. The collection begins in 1789 and continues throughout the late 20th century. 

Relevant titles include:

Kroatischer Korrespondent (1789)

Il Regio Dalmata = Kraglski Dalmatin(1806-1810)

Novine horvatzke (1835) with its supplement: Danicza horvatzka

Danicza horvatzka, slavonzka y dalmatinzka (1835-1848)

Dom i sviet (1888-1919) 

Primorac (1873-1878)

While these titles are a great starting point, the collection is extremely extensive, containing over 191,000 digitized newspapers (as of 8-9-2017).