The Discriptive Metadata Best Practices Guide has been created based on
Please use this document as a guideline only. Depending on the characteristics of each project, users, and systems, we encourage project coordinators to develop and use their own data, content, and encoding standards and create metadata in a consistent way.
All examples have been drawn from MODS User Guidelines Version 3, Detailed Description of MODS Elements.
Title: <titleInfo> Required (#2XX, #130, #730, #740 fields in MARC)
Dublin Core |
MODS - Subelement |
MODS - Attribites |
<dc:title> <dcterms:titleAlternative> |
<title> <subTitle> <partNumber> <partName> <nonSort> |
<titleInfo> type – abbreviated translated alternative uniform authority displayLabel |
When adding <title> information, please consider the following recommendations:
*In Display
Title | The winter mind: William Bonk and American letters |
Dublin Core |
<dc:title>The winter mind: William Bonk and American letters</dc:title> |
<titleInfo> <nonSort>The</nonSort> <title>winter mind</title> <subTitle>William Bonk and American letters</subTitle> </titleInfo> |
Other examples:
<titleInfo type="translated" lang="eng"> <title>Land surveying and agriculture equipment</title> </titleInfo> |
<titleInfo type="uniform" authority="naf" xlink:href=" 93028706"> <title>Missale Carnotense</title> </titleInfo> |
Name: <name> Required (#1xx, #7xx fields in MARC) – When the information is available
Dublin Core |
MODS - Subelements |
MODS - Attributes |
<dc:creator> <dc:contributor>
Use <dc:creator>, if you have source data that clearly identifies the name as creator. If there is more than one creator, repeat the element as needed. |
<namePart> <displayForm> <affiliation> <role> <roleTerm> <description> |
<name> type – personal corporate conference authority <namePart> type – date family given termsOfAddress <role> type – code text |
The <name> element is for the name(s) of individuals, organizations, or events that bear some important relationship to the content. Use the name as it was presented in the resource. To ensure the best search results, using a controlled vocabulary is recommended. A controlled vocabulary can be created locally depending on the characteristics of each collection.
*In display
Name | Alterman, Eric |
Dublin Core |
<dc:creator>Alterman, Eric</dc:creator> |
<name type="personal"> <namePart type=”family”>Alterman</namePart> <namePart type=”given”> Eric</namePart> <displayForm>Eric Alterman</displayForm> <role> <roleTerm type="text">creator</roleTerm> <roleTerm type="code">cre</roleTerm> </role> </name> |
Other examples:
<name type="personal" authority="naf"> <namePart>Woolf, Virginia</namePart> <namePart type="date">1882-1941</namePart> </name> |
<name type="corporate"> <namePart>United States</namePart> <namePart>Court of Appeals (2nd Circuit)</namePart> </name> |
<name type="conference"> <namePart>Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920)</namePart> </name>
Type: <typeOfResource> Required (MARC Leader 06/07)
Dublin Core |
MODS - Subelements |
MODS - Attributes |
<dc:type> |
No Subelemets |
collection manuscript (when Attributes are associated with a specific value used in <typeOfResource>, use the value as a first <typeOfResource>). |
<type> contains a term that specifies the characteristics and general type of content of the resource. A controlled list of textual values is used, such as Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Type Vocabulary. Please add terms that provide more granular information than the broad terms in DCMI type controlled vocabulary. You could also create a list of controlled vocabulary for your own collection. The following values may be used with <typeOfResource>:
*In display
Type | Cartographic |
Dublin Core |
<dc:type>cartographic</dc:type> |
<titleInfo> <nonSort>The </nonSort> <title>new naval and military map of the United States</title> </titleInfo> <typeOfResource>cartographic</typeOfResource> <genre>map</genre> |
Other example:
<titleInfo> <title>Glove</title> </titleInfo> <physicalDescription> <form authority="gmd">[sound recording]</form> </physicalDescription> <typeOfResource>sound recording-musical</typeOfResource> |
Publisher: <originInfo> Required
Dublin Core |
MODS - Subelements |
MODS - Attributes |
<dc:publisher> |
<place> <publisher> |
<originInfo> type authority |
<publisher> is a place holder for the original publisher information.
*In display
Publisher | Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service, in collaboration with Follett Software Company |
Dublin Core |
<dc:publisher> Washington,DC, Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service, in collaboration with Follett Software Company</dc:publisher> |
<originInfo> <place> <placeTermtype="code"authority="marccountry">dcu</placeTerm> <placeTerm type="text">Washington,DC</placeTerm> </place> <publisher>Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service, in collaboration with Follett Software Company</publisher> <dateIssued>2003</dateIssued> <edition>7th ed.</edition> <issuance>monographic</issuance> </originInfo> |
Other example:
<originInfo> <place> <placeTermtype="code"authority="marccountry">cau</placeTerm> <placeTerm type="text">Menlo Park, CA</placeTerm> </place> <publisher>Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities</publisher> <dateIssued>-1988</dateIssued> <dateIssued encoding="marc" point="start">1985</dateIssued> <dateIssued encoding="marc" point="end">1988</dateIssued> <issuance>continuing</issuance> <frequency>annual</frequency> </originInfo>
Language: <language> Required (when the collection includes textual materials)
Dublin Core |
MODS - Subelements |
MODS - Attributes |
<dc:language> |
<languageTerm> |
<languageTerm> type – text code authority – ISO 639-2, etc |
<language> contains the language(s) of the content of the resource. It may be expressed in textual or coded form. Use as many <language> elements as necessary to describe the languages represented in the resource. (ex. English, or eng)
The following are commonly used controlled vocabulary sites for language code:
*In display
Language | English |
Dublin Core |
<dc:language>English</dc:language> |
<language> <languageTerm type="code" authority="rfc3066">en</languageTerm> </language> |
Other example:
<language> <languageTerm type="text">Italian</languageTerm> </language> |
Format: <physicalDescription> Required
Dublin Core |
MODS - Subelements |
MODS - Attributes |
<dc:format> <dcterms:extent> <dcterms:medium> |
<form> <reformattingQuality> <internetMediaType> <extent> <digitalOrigin> <note> |
<form> type authority <note> type displayLabel |
<format> describes the digital resource rather than the original version (if applicable). The value is generally taken from a controlled list, most commonly from the Internet Media types.
The following are the commonly used controlled vocabulary for format:
*In display
format | text/html |
extent | 26 cm. |
Dublin Core |
<dc:format>text/html</dc:format> |
<dcterms:extent>26 cm. </dcterms> |
<physicalDescription> <form authority="marcform">electronic</form> <digitalOrigin>born digital</digitalOrigin> <reformattingQuality>access</reformattingQuality> <internetMediaType>text/html</internetMediaType> </physicalDescription> |
Other example:
<physicalDescription> <form authority="marcform">print</form> <extent>26 cm</extent> <reformattingQuality>replacement</reformattingQuality> </physicalDescription> |
Abstract: <abstract>
Dublin Core |
MODS - Subelements |
MODS - Attributes |
<dcterms:abstract> |
No subelements |
Type displayLabel |
<abstract> is a summary of the content of the resource, roughly equivalent to MARC 21 field 520. Information in <abstract> can be a link.
*In display
Abstract |
Describes the results of an ongoing evaluation of State activity relating to improvement of criminal records. Activities reviewed include upgrading of accuracy and completeness of records, automation, implementation of positive identification procedures and procedures for responding to firearm background check inquiries. The report describes the nature of activities initiated, time until completion, and impact on availability of records. Characteristics of individual states are represented in some areas. The document was prepared by Queues Enforth Development under BJS award 95-RU-RX-K002. 2/00 NCJ 179768 |
Dublin Core |
<dc:description> Describes the results of an ongoing evaluation of State activity relating to improvement of criminal records. Activities reviewed include upgrading of accuracy and completeness of records, automation, implementation of positive identification procedures and procedures for responding to firearm background check inquiries. The report describes the nature of activities initiated, time until completion, and impact on availability of records. Characteristics of individual states are represented in some areas. The document was prepared by Queues Enforth Development under BJS award 95-RU-RX-K002. 2/00 NCJ 179768</dc:description> |
<abstract xlink:href= ""/> <abstract>Describes the results of an ongoing evaluation of State activity relating to improvement of criminal records. Activities reviewed include upgrading of accuracy and completeness of records, automation, implementation of positive identification procedures and procedures for responding to firearm background check inquiries. The report describes the nature of activities initiated, time until completion, and impact on availability of records. Characteristics of individual states are represented in some areas. The document was prepared by Queues Enforth Development under BJS award 95-RU-RX-K002. 2/00 NCJ 179768</abstract> |
Table of Contents: <tableOfContents> (#505 field in MARC)
Dublin Core |
MODS - Subelements |
MODS - Attributes |
<dcterms:tableOfContents> |
No subelements |
type displayLabel |
<tableOfContents> contains contents notes for a resource, equivalent to MARC 21 field 505. Information in <tableOfContents> can be in a link. Please be careful when using punctuation in <tableOfContents>.
*In display
Table of Contents | |
Dublin Core |
<dcterms:tableOfContents> </dcterms:tableOfContents> |
<tableOfContents xlink:href= ""/> </tableOfContents> |
Other example:
<tableOfContents type="partial contents">Baptisms, 1816-1872 --Church members, 1816-1831 --History of the Second Presbyterian Church of West Durham</tableOfContents> |
Audience: <targetAudience>
Dublin Core |
MODS - Subelements |
MODS - Attributes |
<dcterms:audience> |
No Subelements |
authority |
<audience> describes the intellectual level of the audience for which the resource is intended. Either a controlled list of values or free text may be used. MARC Source Code for Target Audience can be used as a controlled vocabulary.
*In display
Audience |
Adolescent |
Dublin Core |
<dcterms:audience>adolescent</dcterms:audience> |
<targetAudience authority="marctarget">adolescent</targetAudience> |
Other example:
<targetAudience authority="marctarget">adult</targetAudience> |
Description: <note> (#5xx fields in MARC)
Dublin Core |
MODS - Subelements |
MODS - Attributes |
<dc:description> |
No Subelements |
type displayLabel |
<description> contains general textual information relating to a resource. <description> is roughly equivalent to MARC 21 fields 5XX. See MODS <note> Types for reference.
*In display
description | performers | Anne Baxter (Louise), Maria Perschy (Angela), Gustavo Rojo (Bill), Reginald Gilliam (Mr. Johnson), [Catherine Elliot?] (Aunt Sallie), Ben Tatar (waiter) |
Dublin Core |
<dc:description>Performers: Anne Baxter (Louise), Maria Perschy (Angela), Gustavo Rojo (Bill), Reginald Gilliam (Mr. Johnson), [Catherine Elliot?] (Aunt Sallie), Ben Tatar (waiter)</dc:description> |
<note type="performers">Anne Baxter (Louise), Maria Perschy (Angela), Gustavo Rojo (Bill), Reginald Gilliam (Mr. Johnson), [Catherine Elliot?] (Aunt Sallie), Ben Tatar (waiter)</note> |
Other examples:
<note type="statement of responsibility">written by Burt Kimmelman</note> |
<note>Based on a play which originally appeared in France as "Un peu plus tard, un peu plus tôt"</note> |
Subject: <subject> Required (#6xx fields in MARC)
Dublin Core |
MODS – Subelements |
MODS - Attributes |
<dc:subject> <dc:coverage> <dcterms:temporal> <dcterms:spatial> |
<topic> <geographic> <temporal> <titleInfo> <name> <geographicCode> <hierarchicalGeographic> <cartographics> <occupation> |
<temporal> encoding |
<subject> is an element that contains topical information, geographic coverage, and temporal coverage. The controlled vocabulary should be chosen depending on the main user groups as well as the resources of the digitization project.
The following are commonly used controlled vocabulary sites:
For Topical Subject Heading
For Geographical terms
*In display
Subject | Real property |
Spatial coverage | Mississippi, Tippah County |
Dublin Core |
<dc:subject> Real property </dc:subject> |
<dcterms:spatial>Mississippi, Tippah County</dcterms:spatial> |
<subject authority="lcsh"> <topic>Real property--Mississippi--Tippah County--Maps</topic> </subject> |
Other examples:
<subject authority="lcsh"> <topic>Real property</topic> <geographic>Mississippi</geographic> <geographic>Tippah County</geographic> <genre>Maps</genre> </subject> |
<subject authority="lcsh"> <name> <namePart>Garcia Lorca, Federico</namePart> <namePart type="date">1898-1936</namePart> </name> </subject> |
<subject authority="lcsh"> <topic>Real property</topic> <geographic>Mississippi</geographic> <geographic>Tippah County</geographic> <genre>Maps</genre> </subject> |
<subject authority="lctgm"> <topic>Educational buildings</topic> <geographic>Washington (D.C.)</geographic> <temporal>1890-1910</temporal> </subject> |
Related Item: <relatedItem> When an item belongs to a series, serial, or has different formats. (#4xx, #7xx, #8xx fields in MARC)
Dublin Core |
MODS - Subelements |
MODS - Attributes |
<dc:relation> <dcterms:hasPart> <dcterms:hasFormat> <dcterms:isVersionOf> <dcterms:isFormatOf>
All MODS elements can appear as subelements of <relatedItem> |
type – preceding succeeding original host constituent series otherVersion otherFormat isReferencedBy xlink:href displayLabel ID |
<relatedItem> gives information that identifies a related resource. When the resource is a part of a series, or a different version/format of the resources, <relatedItem> is required.
*In Display
Related Item | title | Portrait of Charlie Parker and Tommy Potter, Three Deuces, New York, N.Y., ca. Oct. 1947 |
name | Gottlieb, William P. (1917-) | |
identifier | LC-GLB23-0542 |
Dublin Core |
<dc:relation> Portrait of Charlie Parker and Tommy Potter, Three Deuces, New York, N.Y., ca. Oct. 1947; Gottlieb, William P. (1917-); LC-GLB23-0542</dc:relation> |
<relatedItem type="constituent"> <titleInfo> <title>Portrait of Charlie Parker and Tommy Potter, Three Deuces, New York, N.Y., ca. Oct. 1947</title> </titleInfo> <name> <namePart>Gottlieb, William P.</namePart> <namePart type="date">1917-</namePart> </name> <identifier type="local">LC-GLB23-0542</identifier> </relatedItem> |
Other example:
<relatedItem type="host"> <titleInfo> <title>Post-Fordism</title> <subTitle>A Reader</subTitle> </titleInfo> <name type="personal"> <namePart type="given">Ash</namePart> <namePart type="family">Amin</namePart> <role> <roleTerm type="text">editor</roleTerm> </role> </name> <originInfo> <dateIssued>1994</dateIssued> <publisher>Blackwell Publishers</publisher> <place> <placeTerm type="text">Oxford</placeTerm> </place> </originInfo> <part> <extent unit="page"> <start>23</start> <end>45</end> </extent> </part> </relatedItem> |
Identifier: <identifier> Required (#010, #020, #022, #024, #856 fields in MARC)
Dublin Core |
MODS - Subelements |
MODS - Attributes |
<dc:identifier> |
No Subelements |
Type – doi isbn issn iccn uri
displayLabel |
<identifier> contains a unique standard number or code that distinctively identifies a resource. It is equivalent to MARC fields 010, 020, 022, 024, 856. It is repeatable, so you can put as many identifiers as possible if they are useful for identifying a resource. However, the ideal format of value is actionable URI. (Using a collection URL is not recommended for the <identifier> element. A collection URL represents the whole collection, not the resource you want to describe, and should instead be included in <isPartOf>. The URL should belong to the <location> element instead of <identifier>.)
*In display
Identifier | N.M. 275 Nova Music |
Dublin Core |
<dc:identifier> N.M. 275 Nova Music </dc:identifier> |
<identifier type="music publisher">N.M. 275 Nova Music</identifier> |
Other example:
<identifier type="isbn" invalid="yes">0877780116</identifier> |
Source: <location> Required
Dublin Core |
MODS - Subelements |
MODS - Attributes |
<dc:source> |
<physicalLocation> <url> |
<physicalLocation> displayLabel authority <url> displayLabel dateLastAccessed note usage: “primary display” |
<source> Identifies the institution or repository holding the resource, or a remote location in the form of a URL where it is available. <physicalLocation> should be used with a controlled vocabulary when items are housed in different libraries. For collection level description, you may decide whether or not to use a controlled vocabulary. You can also use the MARC Code List for Organizations.
*In display
Source | DLC MicRR Microfilm 82/528 MicRR |
Dublin Core |
<dc:source>DLC MicRR Microfilm 82/528 MicRR </dc:source> |
<location> <physicalLocation authority="marcorg">DLC MicRR Microfilm 82/528 MicRR</physicalLocation> </location> |
Other examples:
<location> <physicalLocation>Library of Congress Manuscript Division</physicalLocation> </location> |
<location> <url displayLabel="French version"></url> </location>
Rights: <accessCondition> (#506, #540 fields in MARC)
Dublin Core |
MODS - Subelements |
MODS - Attributes |
<dcterms:accessRights> <dc:rights> |
No Subelements |
type displayLabel
<rights> Contains information about restrictions imposed on access to a resource. If there is no specific access restriction, use <dc:rights>.
*In display
Access Rights |
Classified under national security provisions; Department of Defense; Title 50, chapter 401, U.S.C |
Dublin Core |
<dcterms:accessRights> Classified under national security provisions; Department of Defense; Title 50, chapter 401, U.S.C</dcterms:accessRights> |
<accessCondition>Classified under national security provisions; Department of Defense; Title 50, chapter 401, U.S.C</accessCondition> |
Other Examples:
<accessCondition type="restrictionOnAccess">Restricted: cannot be viewed until 2010; Members of donor's family</accessCondition> |
<accessCondition type="useAndReproduction">Literary rights of Carrie Chapman Catt have been dedicated to the public</accessCondition> |
IsPartOf: <recordInfo> Required
Dublin Core |
MODS – Subelements |
MODS - Attributes |
<dcterms:isPartOf> |
<recordContentSource> <recordCreationDate> <recordChangeDate> <recordIdentifier> <recordOrigin> <languageOfCataloging> - <languageTerm> |
<recordContentSource> authority <recordCreationDate> <recordChangeDate> encoding point keyDate qualifier <recordIdentifier> source <languageTerm> authority |
<isPartOf> is used to define the collection that holds the item. Collection information can be added as URL followed by the title of the collection.
*In display
isPartOf |
German Emblem Project <> |
Dublin Core |
<dcterms:isPartOf>German Emblem Project</dcterms:isPartOf> |