The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Library has released its 5.5 million catalog records in multiple datasets in 2015. These datasets contain collections of UIUC Library's catalog records for materials held by the University of Illinois Library, including books, serials, archival materials, digitized materials, maps, images, manuscripts, theses and dissertations, scores, audio, video, and many other materials.
The datasets contain various local elements representing the Library’s collections that are unique to the Library’s holdings, including Catalog Record ID, Library Location, Call Number, Copy Number, Barcode, as well as Volume and Chronology of serials and sets.
In 2020, new datasets will be released in Bibliographic Framework Initiative (BIBFRAME) format.
1. Catalog Records Created by UIUC Library (CC0)
Around 394,916 records are released as Open Access data under the Creative Commons CC0 license.
2. Catalog Records for Other Items Held by the UIUC Library (ODC-BY 1.0)
Around 5,084,833 recourds are released under ODC-BY 1.0 license. The recommended attribution language can be found in the Use Terms section below.
For all records not created at the University of Illinois Library, the recommended attribution language from OCLC is:
"This [title of report or article or dataset or service] contains OCLC WorldCat information made available under the ODC Attribution License. The OCLC Cooperative requests that uses of WorldCat derived data contained in this work conform with the WorldCat Community Norms."
Other Related Links
CC0 1.0 Public Domain Designation Summary
OCLC Community Norms
WorldCat Rights and Responsibilities for the OCLC Cooperative
OCLC Data licenses & attribution