Alternate version: EBSCO Regional Business News in the classic EBSCO user interface (best for exporting more than 50 results or combining saved searches). Regional Business News incorporates 75 business journals, newspapers and newswires covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. Included in this database are Arizona Business, Business North Carolina, Crain's New York Business (and other Crain Communications editions), Des Moines Business Record, Enterprise Salt Lake City, Fort Worth Business Press, Orange County Business Journal, Westchester County Business Journal, etc.
Identifies articles in regional U.S. newspapers, international newspapers, newswires and newspaper columns, as well as TV and radio news transcripts. Provides cover-to-cover full text for over 20 national (U.S.) and international newspapers, including USA Today, The Christian Science Monitor, The Washington Post, The Times (London), The Toronto Star, etc. Also contains selected full text from more than 200 regional (U.S.) newspapers, including The Boston Globe, The Chicago Tribune, The Detroit Free Press, The Miami Herald, The New York Daily News, The San Jose Mercury News, etc. In addition, full text television & radio news transcripts are provided from CBS News, FOX News, NPR, etc.
Citation Examples: Newspaper Article in Academic Database
Last Name, F. M. (Date). Title of article. Title of Publication. DOI.
Hoffman, L. (2020, October 7). Goldman adds perks but trims partnerships. Wall Street Journal.
Krause, R. (2020, July 30). Google earnings: Digital advertising falls, YouTube growth disappoints. Investor's Business Daily.
Lohr, Steve. (2020, October 21). Google up against laws that thwarted Microsoft (and others since 1980). The New York Times.
Citation Examples: Newspaper Article from a Website
Last Name, F. M. (Date). Title of article. Title of Publication. URL.
Nelson, E. (2020, November 4). By the numbers: Markets react to U.S. election. The New York Times.
Surma, K. (2020, November 4). United Airlines faces age discrimination claims for offering discount only to travelers ages 18 to 22. The Chicago Tribune.
Database Information: If the newspaper article is from an academic research database, provide the title of the newspaper and any volume, issue, and/or page numbers that are available for the article. Do not include database information in the reference.
DOIs and URLs: If the article does not have a DOI and you retrieved it from a library database, end the citation after the publication title. If you retrieve the article from the publication's website, include the URL instead of the DOI at the end of the citation.
Website References: If the article is from a news website (e.g., CNN, HuffPost)—one that does not have an associated daily or weekly newspaper—use the format for a webpage on a news website instead.