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University Library


Cataloging Services

Acquisitions & Cataloging Services

Sending Items to Preservation Services for Treatment/Repair

This document covers general collections items sent to Preservation Services for conservation treatment/repair; pamphlet binding; mold, pests and dirt; and monographs sent for commercial library binding. It does NOT cover items sent for commercial serials binding or digitization requests. (Serials binding documentation forthcoming.)

  1. Complete the colored Preservation Services streamer (green for repairs, blue for mold and pests, pink for rush requests, etc.)
    • If you think the item may have mold or pests, place the item in a sealed plastic bag.
  2. In Alma, open the item record in the Physical Item Editor:
  3. Change the Process Type to Preservation Services. Save the item record.
  4. Navigate to the Scan In Items page (Acquisitions> Scan In Items), Set Done to Yes, and scan the barcode:
  5. A screen similar to the following will display:
  6. An item search will show the following (but the item record process-type is Preservation Services):
  7. Send the item, with the colored streamer, to Preservation Services.