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An introduction to the MARC record editing software MarcEdit

Editing Select Records

MarcEdit allows users to select particular records in a MARC file to edit. Whether you have already opened the file in MarcEditor or not, the steps are very similar but in the interest of brevity they are combined in one step.

  1. From the main menu screen, select the MarcEditor icon. Then select File > Select Records for Edit. If you already have the records open, just select File > Select Records for Edit. 
  2. The following dialog box will appear:


Select the yellow folder next to Source MARC File at the bottom of the screen. Navigate to and select the MARC file you would like to edit. Once you have selected it, the directory to that file will appear. If you have opened this from the menu of an .mrk file, then there is no need to specify the source file as the filepath for the file you have opened will be already in the text field as it should be pre-populated with the correct filepath.

  1. By default, MarcEdit will use the 245$a field to display each record present in the file. You can adjust this by entering in a different field in the Display Field box. Once you have determined your display field, click “Import File.” The screen should look like this:


Notice that the numbering of the records starts with zero.

  1. From here you can select the records you would like to edit by scrolling through the list, searching the list of records. Once you have selected the records you would like to edit you can click “Export Selected” and the records selected will appear in the MarcEditor window in Mnemonic MarcEditor format.
  2. You can also choose to export a randomly selected percentage of records present within the MARC file by selecting the “Export Random” button.  You will be prompted to give a percent of records you would like to appear. Once you have entered the percentage a group of records will appear in the MarcEditor window.
  3. Once you are finished, you can compile the records into a new MARC file by selecting File > Compile File into MARC. If the file name of the original file is entered when Compile File is selected, users can designate whether they would like to overwrite the original MARC file or append the edited records to the original MARC file.