Check out these immigrant writers in Germany:
Jenny Erpenbeck Gehen, ging, gegangen Go, went, gone [English translation]
Looking for general books about immigrants in Germany? Try searching the Library Catalog by subject for Immigrants -- Germany or Germany -- Emigration and immigration.
What about examples of immigrant literature? See the Finding Books section of this guide for tips on searching by subject.
Begin with a keyword search, for example:
Turkish AND German*
immigra* AND German*
transnational* AND German*
migra* AND German*
multicultural* AND German*
(Note that the * is a truncation symbol, e.g. immigra* returns results for immigrant, immigrants, immigration, etc.)
When you find an article that looks relevant and useful, take a look at the subject headings. You can use this phrase to run a new search. There are two main advantages to continuing your search using subject headings:
1. They may help you find items that did not come up in your initial keyword search.
2. The subject headings can give you ideas of additional words to use in your keyword searches.