Reference works are written by scholars and provide information on a topic such as facts, definitions, histories, overviews, statistics, etc. Examples you may be familiar with are encyclopedias, biographies, dictionaries, etc.
Most reference works are in print and are located in the reference areas of the Library; most cannot be checked out. Try visiting the following areas in the Main Library (or check the Library Catalog):
For general literary analysis, explore the Literature and Language Library's guide for Literary Theory.
In addition to the books linked below, you can find more works on German or Austrian authors via the Library Catalog:
In addition to the histories linked below, you can find others by using the Library Catalog. Try browsing by subject with these or related search terms:
Bibliographies of literary criticism for German-language literature are available two forms: online and in print. Online databases tend to be limited to works dating from the last few decades and to journal articles and book chapters (but often omit full books). Print bibliographies usually cover articles and books and can go back many years, perhaps even centuries. A list of online article indexes can be found in the box below.
To find more print bibliographies on German literature, search the Library Catalog using the subject heading German literature, bibliography.
For 15th and 16th century books, visit the Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
17th Century Books
18th - 19th Centuries