March 1965. Prof. Harold W. Scott (standing) and Prof. William W. Hay of University of Illinois department of geology examine enlarged photo of the fossil of a coccolith, a creature which lived 40 million years ago and was so tiny 1,000 would fit on a pinhead. Such fossils are important in identifying rock formations which may lead to fields of oil or gas or deposits of salt or gymsum.
Found in RS 39/2/20, Box COL 6-5 - COL 6-40, Folder COL 6-11 LAS Geology, 1910-90
Paleontological research at the University of Illinois has been conducted across multiple departments that have included the Department of Geology in the School of Earth, Society, & Environment in their research areas of Paleobiology and Paleoecology and the Department of Entomology in the School of Integrative Biology. There are also paleontology related records from the previously existing Department of Genetics and Development in the School of Life Sciences.
For more current interconnected projects and resources, see the Prairie Research Institute Center for Paleontology's collections, the Illinois State Geological Survey, the Illinois State Archaeological Survey, and the University's Illinois Experts site for faulty research and scholarship outputs.
A complete list of the records relating to the Department of Geology, and the Illinois State Geological Survey are available in the Archives database.
The Paleontological Society Records, 1908-19, 1921-28, 1933-95 (Record Series 15/11/100): Includes agendas, brochures, correspondence, financial reports, membership lists and applications, minutes proceedings, news releases, news-letters, pamphlets, statements, questionnaires, materials on symposiums (1967-89), and affiliations with professional organizations including the Society for Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists (SEPM) (1967-82).
Journal of Paleontology Administrative and Editorial Files, 1974-2004 (Record Series 15/11/110): Contains correspondence, financial reports, memoranda, meeting minutes, manuscripts and editorial comments, and copyright permission forms, relating to the creation and operation of Journal of Paleontology; includes declined manuscripts (1974-1999), and materials relating to the Journal of Paleontology website and online publication (1999-2003).
Journal of Paleontology Manuscripts File, 1993-2004 (Record Series 15/11/111): Contains correspondence and manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Paleontology.
Sepkoski Grant Files, 1995-2012 (Record Series 15/11/112): Contains accepted applications, rejected applications, and correspondence concerning applications for small grants for paleontologists living in Africa, Central and South America, Eastern Europe, republics of the former Soviet Union, island nations of the Caribbean (excluding possessions and territories of the USA and western Europe), and the continent of Africa.
Natural History Museum Registers, 1876-1987 (Record Series 15/24/54): Contains books and microfilm of accession records for paleontological objects acquired by the Natural History Museum and recording accession number, source location, date of collection, field number, and remarks describing the object.
Harold R. Wanless Papers, 1916-70 (Record Series 15/11/24): Contains materials relating to stratigraphy, sedimentation, paleontological research, and Paleozoic glaciation.
Harold W. Scott Papers, 1929-96 (Record Series 15/11/25): Contains notes and correspondence relating to research work on conodont animals.
Morris M. Leighton Papers, 1928-40 (Record Series 44/1/20): Includes minutes of and reports to the National Research Council Executive Board concerning measurement of geological time, and micropaleontology.
J. Marvin Weller Papers, 1898-1976 (Record Series 44/3/21): Includes requests for fossil identifications and collection transfers from American and international scholars.
Frank C. Baker Papers, 1884-1943 (Record Series 15/24/24): Includes photographs, publications, correspondence with friends and colleagues, manuscripts and reprints of articles.
Leverett A. Adams Papers, 1919-61 (Record Series 15/24/25): Contains materials relating to fossils and evolution.