Search Pitchbook for information on venture capital and private equity companies, funds, limited partners, service providers, founders, investors and buyers. In many cases, Pitchbook provides information about deals and funding.
U of I users must create an account to use Pitchbook. Please click on the "Log In" button on the top right of the screen and then click on the "Log In with SSO" link below the gray log in button on the next screen.
Not available for non-U of I students, faculty, or staff.
Downloading limits enforced - only 300 company profiles may be downloaded per year. It is best if you can narrow your search by industry, geographic location, or deal size.
Also available via WRDS.
The Preqin platform has ESG data, but not on WRDS platform.
Grainger Engineering Library Information Center's STEM Entrepreneurship & Business Services can assist you in getting started with these and other resources. If you have any questions, please e-mail