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Scholarly Research Toolbox For Business Administration

Resources for the Illinois Business Administration Faculty and Doctoral Students

Firm Performance Datasets

Firm Performance

Database Platforms Modules Content Data Match Time-Series Units Scope & Years Covered Data Extraction/ Download Formats Suggested Research Level
Bloomberg Bloomberg Corporate, Equity, Bonds Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Securities Prices, EPS, Market Cap, WCC CUSIP, TICKER Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually International; 1990- present for active securities Screen grabs, limited downloading with Excel plug-in (note: Bloomberg is only in Market Information Lab) 3rd year courses upward for finance students; doctoral, faculty
Bureau Van Dijk WRDS, *flat files Amadeus, Orbis, Osiris Income Statement, Balance Sheet TICKER, NAICs Annually, quarterly International; 2007- previous to current year FTP, Excel, CVS, SAS, SPSS Doctoral, faculty

*Aria Novanto ( can provide access to flatfiles
CompuStat WRDS

Includes Global and ExeuComp

Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Limited Security Prices CUSIP, TICKER, SIC Annually, quarterly US, Global, 1950- previous to current year Excel, CVS, SAS, SPSS Specialized masters classes, doctoral, faculty
CRSP WRDS CRSP US Daily Stocks CUSIP, TICKER, SIC Annually, monthly, quarterly 1952- previous to current year Excel, CVS, SAS, SPSS Specialized masters, doctoral, faculty
I/B/E/S  WRDS   IEPS TICKER SIC, NAICs  monthly, quarterly, annually 2010- present CVS, Excel add-in All classes, doctoral, faculty
Refinitiv Workspace
 Workspace   Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Securities Prices, EPS CUSIP, TICKER, SIC Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually varies Excel add-in

doctoral, faculty.  
Note: anyone wanting to use the SDC modules for M&A, New Issues, or JV needs to e-mail  Number of users allowed is very limited. 


Common Securities Exchange Comission Filings

  • U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
    • DEF 14A- Proxy Statement (Board of Directors appointments, changes, etc)
    • 10-K Annual Report to the SEC (Required)
    • 10-KA Amended Annual Report
    • 10-Q Quarterly Report
    • 8-K Changes report that could affect the financial health of the company
    • 6-K Non-US companies listed on one of the US stock exchanges report similar to 8-K
    • 20-F Non-US company annual report to SEC
    • 13-D Insider shares traded by board
    • 13-FE Institutional Holders' trades
    • 14-D1 Tender offer or Acquisition of another company
    • 14-D9 Response to tender offer
    • S-1 New Issue Filing, often known as the Prospectus for an Initial Public Offering (IPO)
    • Form SB-Small Business IPO

Related to filings:

Filings can be found at and Mergent Online.

ProQuest Historical Annual Reports

ProQuest Historical Annual Reports

Proquest Historical Annual Reports over 800 companies' annual reports in PDF format, many of them back to the 1900's.  



Users can search by Company name or keyword in the top search bar.

Under advanced search options, found by clicking on the magnifying glass icon on the left hand side, you can search by term, geography, keyword, revenue, ownership, and more.



BoardEx supplies Full details on public company boards and board directors and senior managers from companies around the globe. Available vis WRDS.  


RepRisk focuses on identifying and assessing ESG risk incidents in a systematic way, serving as a reality check for how companies conduct their business around the world.

ESG and business conduct risk database on 250,000+ listed and non-listed companies —15,000+ public companies with risk incidents and 235,000+ private companies with risk incidents, archives go back to 2007. 

Risk metrics and underlying scores to assess and benchmark the risk exposure and business conduct of companies

101 ESG risk factors mapped to all companies

16+ years of consistent data history, with an unbroken time series


Available vis WRDS.  

Need More Help?

Grainger Engineering Library Information Center's STEM Entrepreneurship & Business Services can assist you in getting started with these and other resources.  If you have any questions, please e-mail