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Scholarly Research Toolbox For Business Administration

Resources for the Illinois Business Administration Faculty and Doctoral Students



GuideStar connects donors and grantmakers to non-profit organizations. Search for organizations to see program, financial, and operations information for non-profit organizations in the United States. 




University of Illinois Campus Resources

For University of Illinois campus 

Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Administration (OSPRA)

OSPRA interacts with faculty, students, department business staff, University administration, and external sponsor program officers and award negotiators to provide service and support to the University's missions of instruction, research, public service, and economic development. OSPRA is comprised of three divisions: Proposal, Award, and Subaward.

For Faculty

Office of The Vice Chancellor for Research 

OVCR leads, enables, and supports research initiatives, technology transfer, and economic development at Illinois. Funding support options include the Campus Research Board, as well as additional initiatives and support listed on the site.

For Postdoctoral Scholars

Postdoctoral Affairs Office

The Postdoctoral Affairs Office is a central resource for the postdoctoral community. Postdoctoral researchers are an important part of what makes Illinois a vibrant center for research.

For Graduate Students

Graduate College

The Graduate College provides a robust fellowships database, and there are also listings of assistantships, loans, and grants from the college.  This unit provides proposal writing assistance.

For Undergraduate Students

The Campus Center for Advising & Academic Services

This office developed as part of the Illinois strategic plan to strengthen the academic services of advising and mentoring, activities that are at the heart of a student’s collegiate experience.

Top Picks - Online Databases for Finding Funding & Fellowships

Grant Forward

Formerly named IRIS (Illinois Research Information Service), Grant Forward is a searchable database of grant funding opportunities. It allows users to create logins, save searches, and get recommendations.

SPIN (Sponsored Programs Information Network)/ infoEd

SPIN provides electronic Research Administration (eRA), and it help "manage the data and to automate many of the processes that facilitate the administrative work involved in research." It provides robust searchable database to track funding programs (grants, fellowships, publication subventions, etc.) of government, private and nonprofile funding globally.

  • Anyone can get started using Spin to run searches for funding opportunities
  • For individuals or institutions who subscribe to SPIN, you can begin your search at: SPIN
  • The Office of Proposal Development has provided SPIN search tips 


  • NOTE: The University of Illinois subscribes to New Spin, providing only one user at a time to access to the database. To access the New Spin database, you must be at a University of Illinois computer terminal so that its IP address is recognized as an University of Illinois address. Also, there can only be one user at a time, so if the site is busy, try back later. is a searchable database for finding U.S. federal grants and an interface used for submitting proposals. You can search for grants, sign up for email notifications, and apply for grants through this portal.

Foundation Relations - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

A list of foundation funders by interest area. While not exhaustive, it presents a good starting point for identifying funders in your field. As foundations periodically revisit their funding priorities, the most up-to-date program information can often be found on their websites.

Need More Help?

Grainger Engineering Library Information Center's STEM Entrepreneurship & Business Services can assist you in getting started with these and other resources.  If you have any questions, please e-mail