The U.S. Department of State provides information on traveling to various countries, including passport and visa requirements. Further information about India can be found on their website.
Landslides and Avalanches are common in the Himalayan region of India. These landslides primarily occur due to high rain fall, deforestation, and growing populations. Avalanches happen mainly in the states of Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, and Sikkim.
Floods are the most common natural hazard in India. Much of India is prone to flooding and high levels of rain (or monsoons) which can lead to destruction.
Cyclones develop along the coastlines of India and can cause large amounts of damage and loss of life to those in close proximity to the Indian Ocean.
Heatwaves and Droughts are becoming more prevalent in India as the world's climate changes. Temperatures are rising and water is becoming scarcer, causing the two phenomenon to exacerbate each other.
For more information about the history and cultural norms of India search the library's catalog.
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