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Qualitative Data Analysis: Example Publications

Resources on conducting qualitative data analysis

Examples Qualitative and Mixed Methods Publications

  • Deterding, Nicole M., and Mary C. Waters. “Flexible Coding of In-Depth Interviews: A Twenty-First-Century Approach.” Sociological Methods & Research 50, no. 2 (2021): 708–39.
    • Deterding and Waters offer a clearly-described approach for working with larger-scale interview studies and provide some background on why Grounded Theory has become a default approach to inductive analysis, even when this may not be the best approach. 
  • Michalovich, Amir. “Graduate students’ modes of engagement in computer-assisted qualitative data analysis.” International Journal of Social Research Methodology 25, no. 2 (2022): 247–60.
    • Michalovich uses thematic analysis and has a really detailed description of the use of Atlas.ti to develop themes (mostly in the appendix, which did not come with the PDF that I got via InterLibrary Loan, so you may need to go to the website to download the supplemental material). 
  • Lanclos, Donna, and Lawrie Phipps. “Trust, Innovation and Risk: A Contextual Inquiry into Teaching Practices and the Implications for the Use of Technology.” Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 4, no. 1 (2019): 68–85.
    • Donna Lanclos pointed to this example, which describes working with a large group to develop analysis of interview data. 
  • Mueller, Jennifer, Marielle Kirstein, Alicia VandeVusse, and Laura Lindberg. “Improving Abortion Underreporting in the United States: A Cognitive Interview Stud.” SocArXiv, January 12, 2022.
  • Shesterinina, A. (2016). Collective threat framing and mobilization in civil war. American Political Science Review110(3), 411–427.
    • Sebastian also suggested  the methods appendix to this Political Science work. 
  • Anfara, Vincent A., Kathleen M. Brown, and Terri L. Mangione. “Qualitative Analysis on Stage: Making the Research Process More Public.” Educational Researcher 31, no. 7 (2002): 28–38.
    • I co-teach a course on CAQDAS use in Social Sciences and Education, and we read this piece every year because it's such a good example of using tables to show the process of data analysis. 
  • Kook, Rebecca, Ayelet Harel-Shalev, and Fany Yuval. “Focus Groups and the Collective Construction of Meaning: Listening to Minority Women.” Women’s Studies International Forum 72 (2019): 87–94.
    • Natalie Gottlieb pointed to this piece for how it addresses analyzing focus groups at the level of interaction rather than the individual.