Publication date: 1916
pp. 225-228 in ISWS Bulletin no. 12 (Chemical and biological survey of the waters of Illinois: Report for year ending December 31, 1914)
Illinois State Water Survey Report of Investigation no. 1
Data are presented on the temperature and turbidity of river water at six stations along the Illinois, Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. These data are analyzed to show the periods year by year in which certain limiting conditions exist, both as to temperature and turbidity respectively, and
also to determine the correlation of these phenomena within certain limited ranges. The trend in temperature and turbidity variations along the Mississippi River is indicated, and comparative data are offered for all stations.
Report to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency based on macro-invertebrate sampling of 149 sites in July 1976 to evaluate the impact of 35 point sources, with additional sampling to evaluate agricultural non-point source pollution. The predominant stream classifications for sites sampled were "unbalanced" (47% of sites) and "semi-polluted (48% of sites).
The Mississippi is covered in the sections on Mississippi-Lower Rock River (pp. 49-53), Nauvoo (pp. 78-82), Big Rivers (pp. 98-103), Karst/Cave Area (pp. 122-126), and Illinois Ozarks (pp. 140-145). The Mississippi is also a prominent feature in several Natural Divisions mentioned throughout the inventory.
Initiative was to provide increased direct technical assistance and financial assistance over a three-year period to 12 communities along the Mississippi River dependent on the River for their public water supplies.
Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee (UMRCC) Documents
During the 1970s, the Great River Environmental Action Team conducted extensive assessments of the Mississippi River, in three sections. Navigation, recreation, wildlife and fisheries, cultural resources, and other aspects were examined.