With special reference to the effect of sewage of Chicago on the Des Plaines and Illinois Rivers prior to and after the opening of the Chicago Drainage Canal.
USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5218
Examines impact of urbanization on 45 stream sites in the Fox and Des Plaines River Basins in northeastern Illinois and southeastern Wisconsin using data collected in 2000-2001. Reports chloride and sodium concentrations in water and arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, and zinc in streambed sediments increased with increasing
percent watershed urban land. Indices representing benthic algal, macroinvertebrate, and fish biological communities declined as urban land cover increased.
From: Goldthwait, J. W. & Illinois State Geological Survey. (1909). Physical features of the Des Plaines Valley (Bulletin 11). Illinois State Geological Survey.