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University Library



This guide has information on how to deposit and access IDEALS materials for individuals and collection administrators.

Service Level Definition: IDEALS

This IDEALS service level definition was written based on service level definitions from CITES at Illinois which are no longer available online.


IDEALS documentation (

Web Interface



The Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship (IDEALS) disseminates, preserves, and provides persistent and reliable access to the research and scholarship of faculty, staff, and students on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus. IDEALS provides an environment that allows faculty, staff, and students (as well as the schools, departments, and research centers to which they belong) to easily deposit digital research and scholarship into a stable and well-maintained archive and to promote and provide open access to their research and scholarship. IDEALS is a joint service of the University Library and the Office of the CIO.

Who can use this service

All current campus students, faculty, and staff are generated accounts when they login for the first time. However, only faculty, staff, and graduate students are able to deposit their research within IDEALS. Undergraduate students may have their research deposited on behalf of them by a faculty or staff member or may be given permissions to deposit by IDEALS Staff.

When the service is available for use

Supported Service Hours: 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday
Maintenance Hours: 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. Monday through Friday

What you must have in order to use the service

  • NetID and NetID Password in order to deposit or access specific restricted items
  • Computer with Internet connection
  • Web browser that supports Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption. Most recent browsers have this feature. Recommended browsers include: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari.

Where to go for help

Contact IDEALS Staff at

Dependencies on other services

  • Network Infrastructure
  • Shibboleth
  • Electronic Directory (also known as the UIUC PH Server). The Electronic Directory is not a prerequisite for IDEALS authentication to function, but is used to determine a user's authorization level (e.g. faculty, staff, graduate student, undergraduate).
  • Active Directory. Active Directory is not a prerequisite for IDEALS authentication to function, but is used to determine user access permissions in some collections within IDEALS.


The Library and the Office of the CIO support this service so that it can be offered at no cost to users.

How to request changes to this service

Contact IDEALS Staff (see above). You may also provide feedback directly from the IDEALS website.

How to find out about changes to this service

Short-term interruptions and permanent changes will be posted on the IDEALS home page. Maintenance announcements will also be posted on the IDEALS home page. You can also request to be added to the listserv where IDEALS upgrades and changes are announced. Email and ask to be added to the list.

Date Created

April 3, 2007

Date of last review

May 20, 2021