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University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


This guide has information on how to deposit and access IDEALS materials for individuals and collection administrators.

Management of and Access to Deposited Items

Can I make changes to an item once I've deposited it into IDEALS?

IDEALS does not support sharing different version of a paper except in specific cases and is not meant to be used like Box or Dropbox. Instead it is a 'final' resting place for your digital work. You can, however, submit both a preprint and a postprint to IDEALS. If it is important to replace a paper due to errors or other issues, IDEALS staff can make this replacement for you. Contact for assistance.


Can I make changes to the descriptive information once I've deposited it into IDEALS?

If you are not a collection administrator, IDEALS staff will need to make these changes for you. Contact for assistance.


Can I withdraw items?

Under special circumstances, you can withdraw items from IDEALS. Please see the Withdrawal Policy for details.


What's the difference between removing/deleting an item, and withdrawing an item? 

Removing or deleting an item is permanent! The item is completely removed from the IDEALS server and can NEVER be restored. 

Withdrawing an item is non-permanent. A withdrawn item can no longer be accessed via the web interface. However, the item (and any descriptive information about the item) remains on the IDEALS server and can be restored at any time.


Who has access to the deposited items in IDEALS?

Anyone can access the deposited items in IDEALS unless you place access restrictions upon them. However, we strongly encourage that you allow open access to your research, unless there are special circumstances which require such restrictions. Please see the Access Restriction Policy for details as well as the Access and Use Policy.


How do I upload many items into IDEALS at once? 

Currently the web interface does not support batch uploads, so you will need to contact the IDEALS staff at to upload a large number of items (usually more than 20) at once. We can also work with you to take advantage of any metadata you already have for these items. (For example, if you already have a database of information about each of these items, we can attempt to automatically add that same information to IDEALS.) Uploading many items at once is not an instantaneous process, as it often requires working with you to create a custom script to automate the upload process.