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University Library


French and Francophone Studies: Archives and Libraries

European Archives Online

French Libraries


Catalogue Collectif de France--The catalog collectif de France localize some 30 millions of documents preserved French libraries and archives

Gallica --Available through the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Gallica provides access to a large and growing corpus of digitized texts.

Bibliothèques municipales spécialisées de Paris--A centralized online catalog to the following specialized city libraries of Paris:  la Bibliothèque administrative, la Bibliothèque des Archives de Paris, la Bibliothèque des Arts graphiques, la Bibliothèque du cinéma, la Bibliothèque Forney, la Bibliothèque historique de la ville de Paris, la Bibliothèque des littératures policières, la Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand, la Bibliothèque du Tourisme et des voyages, and le Centre de documentation sur les métiers du livre.

BPI - Public Library of Paris

Catalogue des bibliothèques et médiathèques de prêt de la Ville de Paris--This catalog offers access to the holdings records of 65 Parisian lending libraries.

Other countries

Online Resources for French Life and Culture

 La Vie Publique  is produced by the DILA (Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information) and attached to the services of the French Prime Minister. It provides freely available information for  understanding public policies and current social topics.