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French and Francophone Studies: Journals

Journals A-L

This list contains journals about everything pertaining to France and Francophonie in either French, English, or multi-lingual formats. The majority of these journals emphasize an interdisciplinary and international perspective. In the case of journals with long traditions, the founders and their vision were provided in an effort to place the journal's current existence in a proper historical and intellectual context. Other titles reflect publishing initiatives of university departments of French, and their goal is to provide a platform for diverse, current scholarship, selected upon the trending research directions in academia. Also, information on changes of title (and when) and the vision of the founder(s) is given whenever available. With few exceptions, many editors consider changing over time in accordance with new trends, or adapting an existing vision to more contemporary tastes, as being more important than preserving an agenda that served well in their beginnings. After all, if it no longer draws a large readership, evolve to meet them.

Australian Journal of French Studies

Founded in 1963 by Roger Läufer (1928-2001), the journal originally sought to publish essays in textual explication, linguistics and articles of literary history about all significant French social and cultural aspects.  Läufer raised funds from French companies in Melbourne to launch it and pushed for a strong international stance in his journal. In the late 1960s, the journal renounced its commitment to linguistics as a new field of applied linguistics came into being, however, it maintained an eclectic approach up to present. Special numbers were devoted to the pedagogy of cultural studies and practice sin French-speaking contexts, as well as to Francophone literature and French cinema. Australia hosted the famous George Rudé Seminars in French History and Civilization were held every two years since 1978. Recently, the journal included translation studies. 


 Bibliographie der franzosischen Literaturwissenschaft

The Bibliography of French Literature, as the title translates into, is known in the German world as "the Klapp," called after its creator, the German Romanist librarian and bibliographer, Otto Klapp (1922-1986), and it is a comprehensive survey of French literature since 1956. It is useful for finding references to monographs and articles and complements well the MLA International Bibliography. The authors and subjects are separately listed and can be accessed by multiple indexes.The Klapp contains essays and articles separated by the main periods of the French literature. Recent volumes can contain up to 15,000 entries. The reviews listed appear in the corresponding volume as well as repeatedly by other entries in other volumes. Since it was first published, the Klapp remains the most efficient working tool for scholars and students. It enables a comprehensive search for all publications in Romance languages, with its accuracy and detail being enhanced by its online availability and searchability .

 Cahièrs du cinéma

Founded by André Bazin, this journal known for its Marxist film criticism, is the continuation of the Revue du Cinéma, established in 1928. Its appearance is groundbreaking in the sense that it redefined the concept of film criticism and theory.  As fundamental for the rise of the New Wave-style of cinema this journal is, many credit it also for its impact on the growth of world cinema. 

Critique: révue générale des publications françaises et étrangères

This journal was founded by Georges Batailles (1897-1962) with the hope to convey the essential of the human thought captured in the best of the books, as Batailles himself would say it. A much older journal, Le Journal des Savantes, dating since the seventeenth century, held an exact similar mission: to provide critical commentaries on the books of the moment.  Scholars will find in its pages books and articles published in France and abroad, and written in a style that makes them more than simple descriptions. The selection covers the domain of literary creation, philosophical research, and explores historical, scientific, political, and economic works. It is an exchange platform in the spirit of erudition, pluri-disciplinarity, and accessibility to experts and non-experts alike.

​Cahièrs 1 à 75 de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France

The volumes of this collection seeks to offer the seventy-five notebooks that Marcel Proust wrote between 1908 and 1922 while he was working on Contre Saint-Beuve  and À la Recherche du Temps Perdu.  These notebooks  are part of the Marcel Proust Collection at the National Library of France. The diagram and facsimile of each notebook on one page and the transcription and critical apparatus on the on the other page provide readers with matching content for guidance in reading the manuscripts. The diagram shows the order of textual units, allowing to trace characteristics of writing style and trace Proust's notes in his manuscripts.

 Contemporary French and Francophone Studies: SITES

Published under the auspices of the University of Connecticut, this online journal is a forum for academics and non-academics, like novelists, photographers, journalists, filmmakers, poets, artists to publish their work related to French and Francophone Studies. It is multi-disciplinary and bilingual, French and English.


Current Research in French Studies at Universities in the United Kingdom and Ireland

 Dalhousie French Studies

Founded in 1979 in the Department of French in the Dalhousie University of Halifax, Canada, this journal seeks to appraise French and Francophone literature through essays and book reviews. 

Dix-Neuvième Siècle: Bulletin de la Société des Études Romantiques

Since November 2011, the Dix-Neuvième Siècle was replaced by Magasin du Dix-Neuvième Siècle and serves as the bulletin of the dix-neuviémistes (the society known as the SERD) who pursue interdisciplinary studies of literature, arts, and sciences, cultural history and linguistics.

 Early Modern French Studies

Early Modern French Studies  is the successor of Seventeenth-Century French Studies  and focuses on groundbreaking research in early modern France, in its bewildering diversity ranging from popular culture to royal courts history, ghosts and gossip, monuments and visual landmarks.


Founded in 1932 by the French philosopher Emmanuel Mounier (1905-1950), who inspired the Personalist movement around which L'Esprit was conceived, "Tout homme, sans exception, a le droit et le devoir de développer sa personalité." (Any man, without exception, has the right and the duty to develop his personality). In its pages, readers can find a general stance on the politics, society, and culture of France and the world, a stance that is situated between current events and scholarship. L'Esprit  takes an international approach to issues, being connected with international networks of writers and seeking to connect the European spirit and Western values with the rest of the world.  

 L'Esprit Créateur, the International Quarterly of French and Francophone Studies

This journal, founded in 1961 by John Erickson at the University of Minnesota, is devoted to the French and Francophone literature, film, and culture from medieval times all the way to the present, it opened its pages to criticism, gender studies, eco-criticism, and postcolonial theories.

 Études, Revue de Culture Contemporaine

Founded in  1856, this journal was originally entitled Études de théologie, de philosophie et d’histoire (Studies of theology, philosophy, and history) by two Jesuits, Jean (Ivan) Gagarine and Charles Daniel and sought to publish especially articles in theology, but slowly, at the turn of the past century, it opened its pages to  a broad variety of cultural themes. Gradually the journal was edited by lay people, men and women and was centered on the idea of dialog between groups, peoples, and religions, as well as major questions afflicting the contemporary world. 

 Europe: revue littéraire mensuelle

Founded in 1923 by the French writer Romain Rolland this literary and cultural journal was shaped in numerous ways by its rich legacy under the auspices of the Association of Europe's Friends (L'Association des Amis d'Europe). If your tenet is that dreams and reflections are necessary to each other when representing the world, you will find in this journal fields of knowledge and artistic forms that would make you believe even stronger in this vision.

 French 17

It is an annual survey of the research published in the respective year in the field of the seventeenth-century French studies. With its penchant for descriptive and complete renditions of books, articles, and book reviews that appear in literary history and criticism, as well as in the arts, religion, philosophy, science, and linguistics.


French Cultural Studies

Founded in 1990, this journal focuses on literature but, in recent years, it opened its pages to cinema, television, media and the press. Authors interested in a peer-review journal will find in French Cultural Studies a medium thriving on intellectual, cultural, and popular culture debates on all aspects of contemporary French culture.  popular culture, and cultural and intellectual debate on all aspects of modern French culture.

French Historical Studies

As the official voice of the Society for French Historical Studies, this journal is a leading journal in French history, covering all periods from the Middle Ages to the present. In its pages one can find forums, review essays, special issues,  bibliographies, and bilingual abstracts. 

French Politics, Culture & Society

This journal is sponsored by the Institute of French Studies at the New York University s part of its service to the scholarly community in French and francophone studies, the Bulletin publishes short articles, as a rule not substantially more than 2,000 words in length (including notes), in English or French on topics spanning all areas of the subject – language and linguistics (historical and contemporary); all aspects and periods of French/francophone literatures; French thought and the history of ideas; cultural studies; film; politics and critical theory – as well as on topical issues and debates. All article-type items received are subject to peer review. Given the Bulletin’s review and production cycle, it is not impossible for work received to appear in print within three months of receipt.

 Le Français dans le monde

This title is the official journal of the International Federation of French Teachers serving educators of French in more than a hundred countries. It provides articles across disciplines, reviews, new pedagogical perspectives, and detachable didactic dossiers on themes of interest to various student age categories and educators with extensive sets of activities, practice work, and testing issues and examples.

 French Review

It is the official journal of the American Association of Teachers of French (AATF) with the largest circulation in the world, and covering French and Francophone literature, cinema, culture, linguistics, and pedagogy.

 French Studies

Supported by the Society for French Studies, French Studies  is the leading UK-based journal supported by the oldest learning society in Ireland and Britain. It was founded in 1947 and welcomes articles and studies on all periods and topics related to French culture and civilization. 

 French Studies Bulletin: a Quarterly Supplement

A twin journal to French Studies, the French Studies Bulletin is published by the Society of French Studies, and unlike French Studies, it features short articles in English or French spanning various disciplines like linguistics, literature, history, cultural studies, film, politics and critical theory. Mainly the Bulletin reports on selected conferences, provides updated information the Society's activities and, recently, it added a postgraduate bulletin board.

 French Studies in Southern Africa

This journal is published by l’Association d’Études Françaises en Afrique Australe, and includes quality articles about all disciplines and subjects that promote the dissemination of French, its language pedagogy, literary research, translations and linguistics. 

 Jeune Afrique

Founded in 1960 by Béchir Ben Yahmed in Tunisia, Jeune Afrique moved its headquarters to Paris and covers the political, economic and cultural spheres of Africa, Francophone Africa, and the Maghreb.

Journal of French Language Studies

Supported by the Association for French Language Studies, this journal covers all descriptive, theoretical, and analytical perspectives dealing with French phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicography, semantics, and socio-linguistics. The articles cover survey studies and book reviews. 

Lingua Romana

This journal is accessible for free online.


It was founded in 1975 by two French literary journalists, Jean-Louis Servan-Schreiber and Bernard Pivot, and it is mainly devoted to tracing and documenting the present literary landscape in its vibrant actuality.

Journals M-Z

 Magazine Littéraire

Founded in 1966 by the Tunisian-born French journalist Guy Sitbon, this literary review, self-proclaimed as the journal of books and writers, is also known for launching its own collection of pocket books (bouquins). It covers the current literary production in short and long articles, newsletter  rubrics and issues devoted to individual prominent writers. 

Mots les langages du politique

This journal reflects its interdisciplinary vision at the intersection of language, political, and information science and devotes space to major thematic issues, articles, studies, as well as conferences and bibliographies.

 Nineteenth-Century French Studies

This journal was founded in 1972 by Thomas H.Goetz at the State University of  New York and seeks to publish original research on nineteenth-century French literature and other related fields, as well as book reviews. 

Nouveau Bulletin de la Société Internationale des Amis de Montaigne

This journal was created in 2007 in Paris and seeks to provide contributions on specific themes around Les Essais by  Montaigne as well as colloquia proceedings about Montaigne's work. 

​Nottingham French Studies

Published by the Department of French and Francophone studies within University of Nottingham, this journal features articles in both English and French on diverse themes in major fields of literature, culture, postcolonial studies, gender studies, film and visual studies, translation, history, and linguistics   in all periods up to the present, in a range of theoretical perspectives and old and new thematical orientations.  

 Nouvelle Revue Française

Founded in 1909 by André Gide and other five French intellectuals, this journal welcomed works by Claudel, Malraux, and Sartre. It was to become the most famous literary review with contributors drawn from the most notable writers of the twentieth century. Its mission was to bring, as the title itself says, all that was new in French literature, and to embrace an esthetic vision, free of political and ideological incursions.

Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature

Founded in 1976, this journal was the brainchild of the Romanist literary critic Wolfgang Leiner, who sought, as in many other publishing projects of his own, to offer to specialized readers significant French and Francophone studies  about the seventeenth-century French culture and literature. 

Supported by the Institute National de Recherche Pédagogique, this journal publishes research in native and foreign language pedagogy, as well as in the pedagogy of other disciplines, linguistics and education. It is considered a journal of reference as the only international francophone journal with this agenda, targeting not only researchers, but educators of teachers, and students.

 Romantisme revue du dix-neuvième siècle

Under the auspices of the Society for Romance Studies and the Scholars of the Nineteenth Century in 1971, Romantisme is an interdisciplinary effort to bring together literature, arts, history, and sciences in the European context. It seeks to disseminate various literary, artistic, scientific, historical, and political currents in the literary writings of the time . 

 Rue Descartes

This journal was founded in 1983 by the International College of Philosophy in Paris, right on Descartes Street,from which the journal's name was inspired. Its founders, philosophers like Jacques Derrida and historical philosophers like François Châtelet envisioned it as a research and research formative institute as an open institute. The journal is published only in French and centers on a issue theme such as "Reading Étienne Balibar in Istanbul. Violence and civility," with articles surrounding Balilbar's work and studies about Balibar.

 Seventeenth-Century French Studies

In January 2015, this journal changed its title into Early Modern French Studies and it is renumbered starting from volume 1. Besides publishing in both English and French, the journal expanded its scope in order to reach a larger readership in the seventeenth-century French Studies scholarship. Also it announced a new focus on interdisciplinarity and cross-centuries, in order to give a broad perspective and context, "like a good salonnière" with the salon being the site where the concept of "early modern" had emerged, as the editor has put it. 

 Contemporary French & Francophone Studies: Sites

The online journal of the Department of French at the University of Connecticut serves as a publication platform for scholars and students as well as novelists, poets, photographers, and journalists who seek to submit articles, interviews, fiction, and poetry from different disciplines. 

 Studi Francesi

Founded in 1957 by the late professor of French literature at the University of Turin,  Franco Simone (1913-1976), this journal still follows the program outlined by its founder, restoring the prestige of French Studies discipline in Italy. The journal has a section "Rassegna Bibliografica" representing works pertaining to French letters across all centuries. It is valuable for its analytical  summaries of the articles published in different journals. Its reputation is built on publishing illustrious names like Erich Auerbach, Marcel Bataillon, George Poulet and  others.


 Studies in French cinema

Published in English in the United Kingdom, this journal is supported by the Association for the Studies in French Cinema, which was founded by two university professors, who also organize an annual conference under its auspices. It is fully devoted to French and Francophone cinema, tracing French screen studies by scholars known for their seminal work in this field.



Founded in 1987, this journal of literary studies follows a fifteen-year-old rich intellectual tradition, since it was known by a different title, Urgence, until 1991. The special issues drawn from the international colloquia and research projects under the auspices  of the University of Québec, animating its spirit since 1986, and pulling together Québecois, Canadian, and international academic circles. Tangence  supports the relations between literature and other fields like the arts, philosophy, human sciences, attemting to reach a common reflection on major issues. 

 Temps Modernes

Founded in 1945 and known as Jean-Paul Sartre whose admiration for Charlie Chaplin's homonym movie determined the title selection, this journal is the platform of existentialism and literature of engagement. Samuel Beckett's works appeared in Temps Modernes  as well as other famous writers. Now, it is publishing articles that follow Sartre's philosophy and reflect on the world as such. Its issues and dossiers devoted to individual writers  represent a rich and diverse patrimony in the French literature of all times.  

 Universalia: les évènements, les hommes, les problèmes en ... 

This journal is an annual supplement of the Encyclopaedia Universalis, published as the French version of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Universalia  seeks to provide knowledge, events, culture, and politics.

 Voix et Images

Published in 1967, this journal is the voice of the literature from Québec from its earliest times to the present day, by printing texts by a certain author, or devoting whole issues to a personality, in addition to printing short news and literary information. 

 Web Journal of French Media Studies

This journal was founded in 1997 to trace media issues in radio and television and update the readers about the latest technological developments and service in French society. By focusing on the French cinema and its relations with other media, the journal traces historical trends in the UK and France for a deeper scholarly collaboration The composition of the Editorial Board reflects the joint Franco-British ethos of the Journal, as does the Journal's acceptance of contributions in either French or English. One of the wider aims of the Journal is to encourage such collaboration between British and French researchers.

 Women in French Studies

This journal seeks to promote women's presence in literature and culture in France and the francophone space, by looking at the place in society, their status, their level of education, as preoccupies the society sponsoring this journal, called Women in French.

 Yale French Studies

Organized regularly by a host editor, the oldest English-language journal in the United States has a long tradition of French and Francophone literature and culture, being recently enriched with interdisciplinary and cross-national perspectives, and covering a large  variety of topics. When it devoted an issue to the French education in 1958, it fit perfectly with the ongoing debate about literacy in the United States, engaging several constituencies in the topic "Why Johnny can't read," a very controversial subject at the time. 


 Zeitschrift fur Franzosische Sprache und Litteratur

Founded in 1879 by two Romance philologists, Gustav Körting and Edward Koschwitz, this journal printed articles and studies about French and language literature in three languages, French, English, and German.