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University Library


Medieval and Renaissance Studies: Codicology, Collation & Fragments

A guide to library resources for Medieval and Renaissance Studies



Dot Porter at the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies at UPenn has created an online collation model:

Link to four tutorials:

YouTube Introduction:


Manuscript Road Trip on Fragmentology


Fragmentarium’s primary objective is to develop a digital library specialized for medieval manuscript fragment research. Although based on the many years of experience of e-codices — Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland, the Fragmentarium Digital Library has an international orientation. First and foremost it is conceived as a social platform for libraries, scholars and students to do scholarly work on fragments. It conforms to the latest standards set by digital libraries and will set new standards, especially in the area of interoperability.

The web application contains a series of tools:

  • A cataloging tool that enables libraries, collectors, researchers and students to gather and describe fragments via a CMS.
  • A tool for curated and social tags, facets and keywords, allowing efficient research through comparison and cross-checking.
  • A tool to link and assemble fragments offers the possibility to arrange cuttings, fragments of leaves, and individual leaves in any order.