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University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Marketing Research

This web page has been created for Business Administration 322 and 529

Business Citation Resources

University of Western Ontario Library
Provides citation guide for Chicago, APA and MLA styles and includes examples for in-text citation. 

Harvard Business School
Contains extensive examples for citing databases - see the "Citations of Commercial Databases" section.

Boston University Library
Provides sample citations for Chicago, APA and MLA styles.

University of North Carolina Greensboro Library
Citing Business Databases in APA Style.



This is a free online bibliographic tool that can be used either as a browser plug-in or web-based tool. Citelighter allows you to highlight and save the most important sections of your research and easily generates a bibliography for you.

Mendeley Research Networks


Organize research, collaborate, and discover new knowledge


Mendeley Desktop organizes your research paper collection and citations. It automatically extracts references from documents, generates bibliographies, and is freely available on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

Mendeley Web lets you access your research paper library from anywhere, share documents in closed groups, and collaborate on research projects online. It connects you to like-minded academics and puts the latest research trend statistics at your fingertips.



A free citation management software plug in for Mozilla Firefox.  The following link is for the LibGuide about Zotero.