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University Library


Acquisitions for selectors



An approval plan is a method of acquiring library materials whereby a vendor selects material for us based upon a profile provided by the Library. “Approval” is also an order type used in Voyager for POs containing the line items which we receive on the approval plan.


A status in Voyager assigned to a purchase order that has been created and approved (the original status when it is created is “pending”) but not yet received.


A status in Voyager assigned to either a purchase order or a line item signifying that we have communicated to the vendor that we no longer wish to receive receive a particular title.


A claim is issued to the vendor when an item on a purchase order has not been received within approximately 60 days after placing the order (this period may be longer for some foreign vendors). It is a request that the vendor send the item or provide information as to why the item has not yet been sent.

“Comes With”

Occasionally, by ordering one title, we automatically receive another title with it. This second title is said to “come with” the first title.


A status in Voyager assigned to a purchase order that is no longer being used.


In Voyager, a component refers to a serials check-in record.


An order type assigned to a purchase order in Voyager for subscriptions and standing orders.


The name of our primary domestic serials vendor.


Electronic Data Interchange. This allows us to electronically exchange messages containing purchase orders, invoices, serial claims, and serial claim responses with participating vendors.


A program through which the Library provides materials to another library (usually in a foreign country) in exchange for materials which they send to us in return.

Firm Order

An order placed for a monograph or other item which will be received and paid for one time only (as opposed to a standing order).

Fiscal Year

At UIUC, the 12 month period which runs from July 1 through June 30 of the next calendar year. For instance, FY17 began July 1, 2016 and ran through June 30, 2017 . Budgets are set for this time period, and orders in Voyager must be rolled over to the new fiscal year at the end of each fiscal year period.


Funds are allocated money by the Library which fund managers can use to purchase items or services for their collections.  Explanation of fund codes at the UIUC Library.


A utility provided by our primary monograph vendor, YBP, through which we can place orders for books.  Fund managers and their ordering staff can place orders in GOBI, and these orders (including bibliographic records) are then automatically transferred to Voyager


A bill received from a vendor for an ordered item or service.


A grouping of funds within Voyager which share a fiscal period. Gifts and exchanges and the approval plan books have their own ledgers, separate from the main ledger for each fiscal year.

Line Item

In Voyager, a purchase order may contain more than one title.  Each title listed on the purchase order is referred to as a line item.


An order which allows the library to become a member of an organization. As a member, we receive any publications (usually continuations) offered by the organization to its members.


An order for a group of titles which all are received as part of this order.


A status in Voyager assigned to a purchase order that has been created but not yet approved.

Purchase Order

The written authorization for a supplier to ship products at a specified price, which becomes a legally binding contract once the supplier accepts it. Also referred to as a PO.

Received Complete

A status in Voyager assigned to either a purchase order or a line item. When assigned to a purchase order, it signifies that all line items on that PO have been received. When assigned to a line item, it signifies that all copies of that title on that PO have been received. It also appears on continuation orders for which a serials check-in record has been created.


A term used usually in reference to continuation orders which are canceled with one vendor and continued with (“re-vended to” or “revended to”) another.

Standing Order

An order which is created to receive and pay for all volumes of a serial, monographic series, or multi-part item as they are issued by the publisher on an ongoing basis.


An order placed for a periodical which is intended to continue indefinitely.

System Cancel

A status in Voyager automatically assigned to all firm orders, and continuation orders without components set up (i.e. serials without check-in records). This status is automatically assigned to a PO if it has not been marked received within 365 days of the date it was created. It does NOT mean that the order will be cancelled. It is simply a flag for Acquisitions staff.

System Claim

A status in Voyager automatically assigned to all firm orders, and continuation orders without components set up (i.e. serials without check-in records). This status is automatically assigned to a PO if it has not been marked received within 60 days of the date it was created. It does NOT mean that the order has been claimed. It is simply a flag for Acquisitions staff.


A company from which we procure items or services which we purchase.