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University Library


Acquisitions for selectors


State funds

These funds get their allocations from "state dollars": budget money that comes from the state of Illinois or university revenue. These must be spent by the end of the fiscal year. They include:

  • Subject funds ending in 0 (monographs/one time purchases)
  • Subject funds ending in 9 (serials/continuing resources)
  • Subject funds ending in 12 (media purchases)
  • Funds that support library-wide collections and are managed by Tom Teper (many of these do not end in a number)

Special funds

Special funds include:

  • Illinois Foundation endowed funds
  • Library Friends funds
  • any campus designated library fund
  • ongoing grant funds

Money in special funds can roll over to the next fiscal year. No special funds end in 0, 9 or 12.

While these funds can often be carried over, most must be refigured annually. Money made available from endowed funds is based on interest earned on the principal, Friends accounts funds vary from year to year, and allocations to campus designated funds are reconfirmed annually. Grants, of course, are wholly dependent on amounts granted and the terms of the award. The Library Business Office and in particular staff who coordinate grant and contracts know details about the latter. The Library Advancement Office will know particulars about endowed and Friend funds, and the Office of Collections keeps detailed information about the names, amounts and intent of those donations. Fund managers must understand those conditions and terms and use those funds accordingly.

Approval Plan funds

The approval slip plan and subsequent orders made by the fund managers is funded by a central pool of money managed by Acquisitions: pbad0. It covers the technical infrastructure pieces that support the plan (GOBI fees and GOBI record imports) as well as cost of an order (discount is provided per title based on the contract with YBP) as well as shipping and handling.

The pool is allocated annually based on previous year expenditures and publishing output. April 1 every year, unspent approval allocations may be reallocated to a fund that requires more support that year.

Fund managers may transfer state allocations from their subject funds into this fund during the acquisitions year and often do so to cover their orders from GOBI slips (notifications) as needed. The calendar year for approval slip ordering is longer than that for firm orders, as these orders are funded centrally and do not require separate title invoicing to clear each allocated fund.

Information on fund allocations, balances, title details and transfers is available at: G:\Collections Info\Approval plan info.

Fund Transfers

How to transfer funds

Fill out the Fund Transfer Form

Why transfer funds?

A fund manager may, for example, want to purchase a new serial to be paid that fiscal year – but the current serial fund to has been fully committed already and therefore requires more money in order to purchase the new serial. To cover the new order, a fund manager may transfer money from their monograph fund to their serial fund (e.g. you could transfer money from xxx0 to xxx9).

A common type of transfer is to supplement the approval central pool and funds from xxx0 are moved to pbad0 for that fiscal year.

State vs Special Funds

Fund managers may transfer between the state funds only. Transfers between state allocations and the special funds are not possible as they are on a different FOAPAL. (FOAPAL stands for codes to represent: Fund, Organization, Account, Program, Activity and Location). Only funds on the same FOAPAL may be part of a transfer and all the state collection funds are on one FOAPAL which is not the case for any special fund.

Process for transferring funds

Permanent transfers may be necessary when fund managers collaborate to buy a resource. All other transfers are considered temporary. 

Acquisitions staff will do all the transfers and record all details on the Alma acquisitions ledger including those made into the approval central pool. Approval plan transfers involve sub-allocations of the pbad0 central fund. Balances may found at: G:\Collections Info\Approval plan info. Staff confirm directly with the requester to confirm transfers were made.

Fund reports

Selectors are expected to monitor the money available in the funds they manage throughout the fiscal year. They can do this by consulting the fund reports in Alma Analytics. These provide both an overview of fund balances as well as a list of orders on each fund in the current fiscal year.

Fund report data is usually updated daily and is typically current as of 6:00 pm the previous day.

To access the Fund Reports:

  1. Log in to Alma. 
    • You must have the Selector role to view the fund reports. All fund managers and the staff they designate to handle orders can have this role assigned.
  2. On the left-hand side of the screen, choose Analytics.
    • After clicking on Analytics, under “Data updated as of:”, you can see the date/time that the data was last updated that will be retrieved by the reports.
  3. Under Reports, choose Fund Reports.
    • A new tab will open with the Fund Reports Dashboard.

Fund Report Layout and Data:

The dashboard consists of 4 tabs:
Title by Title List  |  Fund Balances |  Fund Balances Visualization  |  Invoice Lookup

Title by Title List

Fund Balances are included at the top of the screen, with a list of Purchase Order Lines below them.


  • Limit by Fund Manager Name and/or Fund Code by specifying the option(s) here and clicking Apply.
  • Note that they can be chosen from the drop-down list OR typed in directly. Choosing just fund manager name will display all funds for that fund manager.
  • If only Fund Manager is specified, all funds for that fund manager will appear.
  • If resetting any of the filters in the same session, click Reset / Clear All first before applying the new filter.
  • Filters will carry across to the other tabs of the dashboard.

Fund Balances

  • Available Balance: Allocation  minus  Expenditures  minus  Encumbrances
  • Cash Balance: Allocation  minus  Expenditures
  • Percent Year: What percent of the total fiscal year has already passed.
  • Percent Spent YTD: What percent of the fund has been spent year to date.
  • Fund Area Description: Type of fund (state, special, recurring, firm, central pool).
  • Grand Total: Note that when viewing multiple funds, with any central pool funds included, this may give a misleading number as money in the central pool is duplicated in the main ledger.

Title List

Will display all PO lines in the current fiscal year for the selected fund(s). The PO lines typically correspond to a title, though there are also some “package” PO lines that pay for multiple titles which are not listed separately.

Columns included in the Title List:

  • Fund Name
  • Fund Code
  • Reporting Code: The type of material or service ordered.
    300 – Equipment 631 – Print Standing Order 656 – DVDs
    466 – Binding 632 – Print Mono Contin 657 – Games
    539 – Preservation 633 – Print Contin 658 – Streaming
    600 – Postage 641 – Print Periodicals 661 – Manuscript Materrials
    601 – Handling 642 – E Service Fee 662 – MARC records
    602 – Sales Tax 644 – E Books 671 – Print + Online
    603 – Late Fees 646 – E Journals 691 – Microforms
    604 – Library Loan Fees 647 – CD ROM Periodicals 692 – Microforms
    605 – Copyright Fees 648 – DB Subscription Cap 693 – Microforms
    606 – Membership Fees 649 – CD ROM Books 694 – Microforms
    609 – Fuel Surcharge 650 – CD ROM DBs 697 – CD
    611 – Print Monographs 651 – AV Firm Order 744 – E Books Non Cap
    617 – Back Issues 654 – Audio Cassettes 746 – E Journals Non Cap
    625 – Approval 655 – Videotapes 748 – DB Subscriptions Non Cap
  • PO Line Title
  • PO Line Number: The number associated with each individual title/item to uniquely identify that PO line.
  • PO Number: The number of the purchase order on which the PO line appears. There might be more than one PO line on a given purchase order.
  • ISBN
  • ISSN
  • Publisher
  • List Price: The price of the item ordered. In the rare cases where multiple funds pay for an item, the price reflects the total price of the item. PO lines in Alma can not have a $0 price as they did in Voyager, even if we do not want the fund encumbered for that order. In these cases, a price of $1.00 or less will appear.
  • Current Encumbrance: The amount for which this specific fund is currently encumbered for that PO line. Once the item has been paid, this will be $0.
  • Amount Paid Current FY: The amount paid by this fund for this PO line in the current fiscal year.
  • Receiving Date: For print materials, this is the date it was marked received in Alma. Note that because of the migration from Voyager, this field might be empty for some items even if they’ve been received. (Receipt info can be viewed in Alma in that instance.)
  • Status: Whether the PO line is ACTIVE, CLOSED, or CANCELLED. CLOSED status is assigned once the PO line has been paid.
  • Vendor Name: Name of the vendor from which the item was ordered.
  • PO Line Type: Whether the item is PRINT or ELECTRONIC as well as whether it is ONE TIME, SUBSCRIPTION, or STANDING ORDER. Note that this types are not always reliable for electronic resources, as some e-resources migrated as print from Voyager.
  • PO Line Creation Date: Date the PO line was created in Alma.

Fund Balance Visualization

High level visualization of fund balances

Invoice Lookup

Provides more specific information about an invoice payment for a PO line, such as invoice date, number, and notes.

Exporting Data from Fund Reports

After choosing any of the filters which you wish to set, click the gear icon on the top, right hand corner of the page. Then choose Export to Excel / Export Current Page.

File will be exported to your default download folder from which you can open it in Excel.