Please use following dates as guidelines for major annual acquisitions dates. Specific dates are posted each year.
The Office of Collections and Technical Services coordinates end-of-year processes. In a typical fiscal year (ending June 30th), the office begins soliciting information about potential desiderata purchases approximately mid-way through the fiscal year. The compilation of such a desiderata list is generally handled at the divisional level by Collection Development Committee representatives and forwarded to the Associate Dean for Collections and Technical Services. This list is then used to inform end-of-year purchasing decisions.
The end-of-year funds are comprised of funds from three sources: unexpended subject funds, unexpended reserves that were not needed to cover other, unforeseen expenses, and any miscellaneous unexpended general funds. Other than the reserves, the end-of-year pool generally consists of remaining funds that are swept as the Library prepared to close out the fiscal year. All end-of-year purchases are limited to one-time expenditures. In addition to priorities around the desiderata list, end-of-year spending priorities tend to fall into several categories: (1) one-time expenditures, (2) acquisitions that the Library should support in the coming year that will contribute to new or emerging programs on campus, (3) large scale acquisitions that no one fund - or even group of funds - may be able to support, and (4) acquisitions of content that further other Library goals and objectives. Acquisitions that support broader programmatic initiatives - such as programs that the Library supports via the BTAA or other consortial arrangements - also rank highly in consideration.
If the amounts are nominal and funds are available, as we finish up fiscal year end ordering, we may attempt to re-vend central pool orders not available through GOBI. However, as most of the “0” (one-time) funds are either accounted for or transferred to the deposit account, we may only be able to re-vend to “special funds.”
Autoship print titles are billed against p-625 funds. Thus, spending out funds to zero means we will have to transfer within the Central Pool to cover those as they come in. For anything we cannot order, we will hold these until next fiscal year as a default.
Special Funds (Gifts, Endowments and Grants)
The budget build is done for the beginning of the new fiscal year. The University of Illinois Fiscal Year runs from July 1st to June 30 of the following year.
The basic formula used for a budget build is to cover all the last year recurring resources by fund (xxx9), subtracting out any cancelled title(s) paid for in the immediate past year, and then adding whatever percentage of inflation projected for each fund. That data is calculated every year based on actual spends. Inflation does occur annually but additional funds to meet projected inflation is not consistently available. Whatever is left from meeting the recurring costs are the one time funds available per fund manager and are put in the xxx0 fund (or apportioned to a media fund xxx12 should that fund manager desire). The new budget always will show if deficits are expected due to unmet inflation needs.
The budget build takes into account any programmatic changes to the budget that may include new funds being created, old funds being deleted, and any permanent transfers authorized by the fund manager during the previous fiscal year.
The budget is announced at CDC and via LibNews and made available at: G:\Collections Info, under the FY folder before the ILS is updated with final figures. Typically, a draft budget is available before the new FY starts. As the current FY closes, final expenditures are inserted into the calculations to ensure accuracy of price increase calculations, and the final budget is posted. This generally occurs in the first week of August of the fiscal year.
Detailed information about library's collections budget spreadsheet calculations and previous fiscal years' budgets can be found here.
Once the budget is available the Library Business Office inputs the new figures manually. Any fund input and that includes all fund changes over the course of any fiscal year, are always handled by that office to abide by basic auditing principles. A manual input is necessary as the funds are zeroed out as the fiscal year is closed.
Alma roll choices are to either start with zero funds or to begin with the original allocation and original here means the very first time a fund had any allocation entered. This rule is used instead of the zero rule as no new order can be approved if no funds entered. (See the Acquisition calendar for important order dates). The FOAPAL funds are also updated as needed.