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University Library


EALC 398: History and Memory of the Asia-Pacific War: Home

Course guide for EALC 398 exploring the events, writings, remembrances, literature and cinema related to the pre-WW II actions of Japan.

Other Useful Guides

Useful Links to the Illinois Library

Library Gateway - One stop shopping for everything "Library" including the Easy Search engine, hours, locations, people, and more. The Easy Search engine is the place you might want to start your exploration.  In addition to the Multi-Subject search, you may want to try the Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, and International and Area Studies searches since they generally search different databases.

Online catalog - The Library has over 14 million items in its collection.  Use the catalog to discover what is available and where to find it.  In addition to the library collection on campus, you can search for books throughout the State of Illinois.  Be sure you have set up your account.

Online Journals and Databases - The entire list of electronic resources purchased by the University Library for you to use.

Article and Journal Locator - Have a specific resource you are trying to find electronically?  Enter your information here to discover whether the Library has it available.


Interlibrary Loan and WorldCat

WorldCat is extremely useful if you cannot find what you are looking for in the Library online catalog or the I-Share catalog. You can easily click through what you find there to request the material through Interlibrary Loan.  


Interlibrary Loan

If a book is not available via I-Share, your next step is to use Interlibrary Loan (often called ILL). You can access your ILL account from the library homepage under the "Borrow Materials" tab. 

Now you can log in by clicking on "Login to ILLiad."

You'll then be asked to log in using your NetID and password. Your ILL account is automatically linked to your NetID, so you don't need to create an account. 

After logging in, you will see the ILLiad screen, which is shown below. If you are requesting an article, click on the "Photocopy" option. You can also select "Book" or any other option from the menu. Then fill out the required citation information for the book, article, or other type of document. Photocopies are generally made available as PDFs. Please note that this service can only be used to request books not at Illinois or in the I-Share network, and article photocopies that are not held in print or electronically by the University of Illinois. If you are not sure if you should be using ILL, Ask a Librarian.


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International and Area Studies Library
Room 321 Main Library
1408 W. Gregory Dr.
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 333-1501