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University Library


Ibadi Islam: Summer Research Lab

This LibGuides serves as an overview of Ibadi Islam and provides resources and information for further academic research and study in this field.

Summer Lab

What is the Summer Research Lab?

The Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies and the International and Area Studies Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are pleased to announce a Summer Research Lab in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, to offer scholars an opportunity to utilize the Library’s extensive collection on the Middle East and Islam.   The Summer Research Lab will take place from May 19, 2014 - August 9, 2014.


يسر مركز  دراسات جنوب آسيا والشرق الأوسط  بالتعاون مع  قسم الدراسات الدولية في جامعة إلينوي الإعلان عن إقامة مختبر بحث صيفي مختص بالشرق الأوسط والدراسات  الإسلامية.
خلال الفترة المخصصة لهذا المختبر العلمي ايار ١٩ - آب ٩   ٢٠١٤ وسوف تتم اتاحة جميع موارد مكتبة الجامعة للباحثين.


The Summer Research Lab will also have two workshops:

  • Ibadi Islam: History and Bibliography
    • July 14, 2014
    • This workshop will be taught by University of Illinois professor Valerie Hoffman and Florida State University professor Adam Gaiser. This workshop will introduce scholars to the doctrines, terminology, history and major sources on Ibadi Islam, utilizing sources in the library's Sultan Qaboos Collection.
  • The Arab Spring
    • July 16, 2014
    • This workshop will be taught by Laila Hussein Moustafa, University of Illinois Librarian for the Middle East and North Africa. This workshop will introduce scholars to Arabic sources on the Arab uprisings and will help them learn how to search and find books, articles and films on this topic.

More information on the Summer Research Lab for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies can be found here or by contacting Angela Williams ( the Associate Director of the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. 

Subject Guide

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International and Area Studies Library
Room 321 Main Library
1408 W. Gregory Dr.
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 333-1501