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University Library


Ibadi Islam: Resources

This LibGuides serves as an overview of Ibadi Islam and provides resources and information for further academic research and study in this field.

Variations of "Ibadi"

Scholars from all over the world research Ibadi Islam, however many people have different ways of spelling words related to the Ibadiyah.  Below is a list of different spellings relating to Ibadites in English as well as in Arabic, French, and German.  This list should help you in finding materials for your research. 

English Deutsch
Ibadhi Ibadi
Ibadi ibadische
Ibadism Ibaditen
Ibadiyah français
Ibadiyya Ibadhi
عربي Ibadism
الإباضية Ibadite

Library of Congress Resources

The Library of Congress is the nation's oldest federal cultural institution and serves as the research arm of Congress. It is also the largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, maps, and manuscripts in its collections.

The Library's mission is to support the Congress in fulfilling its constitutional duties and to further the progress of knowledge and creativity for the benefit of the American people.


Ibadites - Oman - History

Ibadites - History

Ibadites - Doctrine

Ibadites - Early Works to 1800


!اهلا وسهلا Ahlan wa Sahlan!

Welcome to the Ibadi Islam LibGuide. Here you will find a selection of resources to start you off in your research of this fascinating sect of Islam. If you have any comments or suggestions, we would be more than happy to have them. Enjoy!

To start your search consult the University Library's page on how to find research materials.

Note: Some of the information and links provided on this libguide can only be accessed if you are affiliated with the University of Illinois. 

Other useful and relevant UIUC campus resources and links: 

International & Area Studies Library

Middle East & North African Library Collection

Center for South Asian & Middle Eastern Studies

Summer Research Lab for Middle Eastern & Islamic Studies

UIUC Library Resources

You can search the Library catalog to find books, CDs, DVDs, journals (print and digital), research databases and more.  You can find resources on campus, but can also search in I-Share and request books and resources from other Illinois libraries through the Inter-Library Loan system.  The following links are Subject searches relating to Ibadi Islam in UIUC's library.


Ibadites -Doctrines

Ibadites - History

Ibadites - Early works to 1800

Ibadites - Oman

Ibadites - Oman History

Sultan Qaboos Collection

Islam - Doctrines

You can also search by Keyword and find a larger variety of resources relating to the searched keyword.

Spreadsheet of Ibadi Books at UIUC

Below is a spreadsheet of books pertaining to Ibadi Islam that has been compiled and uploaded to the LibGuide and that are available for check out at the UIUC Library.  The books are arranged by author, title, call number, and the number of volumes a book title has in Arabic and Roman script.  The document may be downloaded but keep in mind that library staff will be updating the list as the library continues to acquire more books on Ibadi Islam. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Middle East and North Africa Studies Librarian Laila Hussein or any other library staff about checking out and borrowing library materials.

Subject Guide

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International and Area Studies Library
Room 321 Main Library
1408 W. Gregory Dr.
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 333-1501

Images of Oman