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Ibadi Islam: Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center

This LibGuides serves as an overview of Ibadi Islam and provides resources and information for further academic research and study in this field.

Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center

Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center

In October 2012, the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Illinois received a grant from the Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center in Washington, D.C. that included acquisition funds for a collection on Oman and Ibadi Islam. The Sultan Qaboos Collection now includes 100 volumes , giving the University of Illinois Library one of the most comprehensive collections of its type in the Western hemisphere.

The Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center (SQCC) is dedicated to educating the peoples of the United States and Oman about the breadth and richness of our two cultures.  SQCC promotes mutual respect and understanding between our nations and strives to educate a new generation of culturally sensitive and knowledgeable citizens in each society.  Through outreach programs, scholarships, lectures, educational resources, cultural partnerships, and our Cultural Center in Washington, DC, SQCC brings the culture, history, and heritage of our nations to audiences in the US and abroad.

The Center is named for His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said of Oman, and was established in 2005.  H.E. Hunaina S. Al-Mughairy, Ambassador of Oman to the United States, serves as Chair of the SQCC Board of Oversight. Ms. Kathleen Ridolfo serves as Executive Director and heads the office in Washington, DC, and Dr. Iman Al-Busaidi serves as the Deputy Director in Muscat, Oman. SQCC is funded by the Government of the Sultanate of Oman.

Sultan Qaboos University

جامعة السلطان قابوس

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