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Central Asian Sovereignty in the Face of Massive Dislocation: Afghanistan: Bibliographic Resources

This guide is designed for 2010 Junior Scholars Training Workshop. Moderator: Russell Zanca, Ph.D., Northeastern Illinois University, Anthropology

Afghanistan Digital Library

Afghanistan's Political Parties

Ruttig, Thomas.  Islamists, Leftists --and a Void in the Center.  Afghanistan's Political Parties and where they come from (1902-2006).   Kabul: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Afghanistan Office, 2006. 

Guide to the Indexing of South Asian Studies Periodicals Online

The Guide to the Indexing of South Asian Studies Periodicals

Guided Search

      The online Guide to the Indexing of South Asian Studies Periodicals is a searchable database, which aims to do the following:  "to identify and list South Asian periodical titles and to identify if a particular title has been indexed and if so, to what extent." Created by the University of Wisconsin, this Guide utilizes the University of Wisconsin's collection and the Library of Congress' "Cooperative Acquistions Programs in New Delhi and Islamabad" for listing and identifying periodicals.  The database "represents titles in their original script and uses diacritics in transliteration."  In order to fully use this guide, the compilers recommend researchers use "a Unicode-enabled browser."  Based on their observation, the web browser Firefox allows scripts and diacritics "to appear most properly." In addition to the technical suggestions, the compilers recommend, when seraching the database, "diacritics should be ignored and original scirpts can be searched either by cutting and pasting from other sources or by using alternate keyboards." ALA-LC Romanization tables are used for transliterating all titles found in this database.  Researchers would find the  Guide to the Indexing of South Asian Studies Periodicals to be an excellent tool for verifying Afghan serials. 



Bleaney, Heather; Gallego, Maria Angeles.  Afghanistan. A Bibliography.  Leiden: Brill, 2006.  Series: Handbuch Der Orientalistik[Handbook of Oriental Studies] 8 Central Asia : v.13.  ISSN: 0169-8524.  ISBN: 900414532X.  UIUC Call Number: Slavic Reference  958.1Af344 [non-circulating].  Indexes:  Subject Index and Index of names.  Total number of entries: 5081.  Languages:  English, Russian, French, German, Dari, and Pushto. 

Published in 2006, this bibliography is divided into the following sections:  General Reference and Scholarship; Geography and Ecology [the country and people]; Travel and Photography; Orientalist (and other) representations (fiction set in Afghanistan)[Note: General Fiction and Russian Fiction]; Religon and Religious Groups; Anthropology and Ethnography; Language; Literature; Arts (Traditional Crafts); Performing Arts; Architecture; Cultural life in general (cultural institutions); Education; Sociology and Demography; Health and Medicine (Narcotics, Cookery and Food); Economic and Economic History; Archaeology (related subjects); History; Politics and Political Ideology; Foreign Relations; Communications and Mass Media; Law; Index of Subjects, pp. 350-364; Index of Names, pp. 365-398. 

"Tribes & tribal society," pp. 51-52; "Pashtuns (Pakhtuns)," pp. 52-57; "Uzbeks," pp.57-58; "Turkmens," pp.58-59;  "Kirghizes," pp. 59-60; "Tajiks," pp. 60;  "Hazaras," pp. 60-62.






Kukhtina, Tat’iana Ivanovna.  Bibliografiia Afganistana: literatura na russkom  iazyke.  Akademiia Nauk SSSR.  Insitut narodov Azii.  

Moskva:  Nauka, 1965.

UIUC Call Number:  Russian Reference [non-circulating] 016. 9158 K95b

Note:  Copy 2: Oak Street Facility


Published in 1965, this bibliographic guide is a compilation of Russian language materials on Afghanistan.  With a master index, this invaluable guide allows scholars to examine publications from the Pre-Revolution to the Soviet Period, till the mid 1960s.   

Sections: Obshchie raboty i spravochnaia literatura; Istoriia izucheniia Afganistana v Rossii i SSSR; Bibliografiia; Geografiia; Naselenie ( Ėtnografiia); Gosudarstvennyi stroi; Vooruzhennye sily; istoriia Ėkonomika; Kul'tura; Iazykoznanie; Retsenzii i bibliograficheskie zametki russkikh i sovetskikh avtorov na inostrannuiu literaturu ob Afganistane; Alfavitnyi ukazatel' avtorov, sostavitelei, redaktorov, perevodchikov, kommentatorov, retsenzentov i rabot, opisannykh ne na avtora [pp. 212-269].  Note: Table of Contents, pp. 270-272. 

Periodical Guides

Saber, Ali Ahmad.  A guide to magazines and newspapers of Afghanistan from 1252-1356 (1873-1977).  Kabul: University Printing Press, 1977 (1356).  Language: Dari.  Afghanistan Center Library Call Number:  B1.12 SAB(5646).


 Location: Afghanistan Center at Kabul University, Library Catalogue


Pourhadi, Ibrahim Vaqfi.  Persian and Afghan newspaers in the Library of Congress, 1871-1978.  Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1979.  ISBN: 0-8444-0283-4  UIUC Call Number: Asian Reference 016.07955 P86P.   Indexes: Chronological Index[p.93]; Index of Places of Publication[p.97]; Name Index [p. 98].  

      Published in 1979, this bibliography "lists all the newspapers from Iran and Afghanistan in the holdings of the Library of Congress in alphabetical order."  Ibrahim V. Pourhadi's insightful guide utilizes thirteen categories to classify Iranian newsapers at the Library of Congress:     The "First Category" of newspapers starts with Mirza Saleh Shirazi, " who in January1837 lithographed the first monthly newspaper in Iran."  The other eleven categories are: Second Category [1906-1908, first Iranian constitutional period]; Third Category [1926-1941, "reign of Reza Shah Pahlavi]; "Fourth Category" [ 1945-51 period]; Fifth Category [1941-1953, newspapers published by the "Tudeh party"]; Sixth Category [Mossadeq and the nationalization period]; Seventh Category [ newspapers of "religious orientation]; Eight Category ["ephemeral papers, bulletins, announcements, communiques, etc]; Ninth Category[1905-11 and 1953, "newspapers and periodicals published outside Iran"]; Tenth Category [ "publications that advocate an end to Iran's traditional monarchy']; Eleventh Category ["newspapers published by the Iranian students abroad"]; Twelfth Category ["discuss Iran's role in international affairs"]; Thirteenth Category ["general domestic and foreign news"].  Afghan Newspapers Section  [pp. 84-89, Entries A1-A23] :  In addition to the holdings information,  each entry contains the following:  the language of the newspaper, place of publication, publisher/owner of license information, and dates of publication.  After each entry, Mr. Ibrahim Pourhadi, through brief annotations, provides the researcher with valuable background information on each publication.  


Sims-Williams, Ursula.  Union Catalogue of Persian Serials and Newspapers in British Libraries.  Middle East Libraries Committee.  London: Ithaca Press, 1985.  ISBN: 0863720390.  Relevant Sections: Chronological index (p.143); Index of institutions(p.145); Bibliography (p.141); Union list (p.1).  Note: please see the "Index of institutions" for Afghan serials and newspapers. 

       Published in 1985 by the Middle East Libraries Committee, the union list of Persian serials and  newspapers in British Libraries provides researchers with the following information: parallel title and subtitle; corporate author; date of first and last issue; place of publication; illustrations notes; holdings.  The catalogue is organized alphabetically by title with "cross-refereces included in the sequence from alternative and parallel titles."  Using "the Cambridge History of Iran system of transliteration"for Persian and Library of Congress transliteration for Pashto, the author has prepared an excellent guide for scholars researching  Iranian and Afghan serials.    



Arthur Paul Afghanistan Collection - University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Arthur Paul Afghanistan Collection Bibliography. Volume One: Pasto and Dari titles.   Volume Two: English and European languages.  Wahab, Shaista.  Lincoln, Neb.: Dageforde Publishers, 1995-2000.   ISBN: 1886225079 (v.1), 1886225516 (v.2).  Please Note: v.2 is digitized.  Researchers can download the entire bibliography hereFull list of digitized materials(English Language) at the Arthur Paul Afghanistan Collection.  List includes the following publications:  Kabul Times

 The Arthur Paul Afghanistan Collection at the University of Nebraska "is the largest collection of Afghan materials in the country."  Collection description: "Mr. Paul [1898-1976] served as an economic advisor to the Royal Government of Afghanistan from 1960 to 1965. During his service in Afghanistan, he collected Afghanistan materials for his private library. His collection of Afghanistan materials included published and unpublished materials on all subjects and disciplines pertaining to Afghanistan. The University Library has made extensive efforts to further enrich the collection. Currently the Arthur Paul Afghanistan Collection holds more than 12,000 titles. The Collection contains materials on all subject areas pertaining to Afghan life and culture which includes economics, education, folklore, law, agriculture, language, architecture, geology, geography, history and literature. Documents in this collection are in more than 24 different languages. However, the majority of the materials are in English, Persian/Dari, and Pashto languages."