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Central Asian Sovereignty in the Face of Massive Dislocation: Moderator Resources

This guide is designed for 2010 Junior Scholars Training Workshop. Moderator: Russell Zanca, Ph.D., Northeastern Illinois University, Anthropology

From the Moderator---A List of Suggested Journals


Ab Imperio (Occasional)  - UIUC Call Number: 320.540947 Ab1. Holdings.

Anthropology of East Europe Review (Occasional) - UIUC Call Number: 305.89171 An89. Holdings.

Central Asian Survey (Dedicated) - UIUC Call Number: 958.007205 CE. Holdings.


Central Eurasian Studies Review (Dedicated)

Etnograficheskoe Obozrenie (Occasional) - UIUC Call Number: 572.05 SOVE1. Holdings.

Europe-Asia Studies (Occasional) - UIUC Call Number: 905 SOVS1. Holdings.

International Journal of Middle East Studies (Occasional) - UIUC Call Number: 956.05 IN. Holdings.

Kritika (Occasional) - UIUC Call Number: 947.0005 KR. Holdings.

The Russian Review (Occasional) - UIUC Call Number: 905 RUSS. Holdings.

Slavic Review (Occasional) - UIUC Call Number: 057 AME. Holdings.

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty = RFE/RL

Central Asia Online

Central Asia Online:

Website Disclaimer: is a website sponsored by USCENTCOM to highlight movement toward greater regional stability both through bilateral and multilateral cooperative arrangements. also focuses on developments that hinder both terrorist activity and support for terrorism in the region. This site features news from across and about the region and features analysis, interviews and commentary by paid correspondents. It is designed to provide a regional audience with a portal to a broad range of information about future stability in the region.

The Moderator

Prof. Russell Zanca, Department of Anthropology, Northeastern Illinois University. 

Areas of Specialization: Cultural Anthropology with regional focus on Central Asia; post-Soviet economies, collectivized farming; oral history of rural life; Islam and Muslim societies; culinary traditions and cookery; Eurasian labor migration and globalization [as stated on the NEIU Department of Anthropology website]. 

Open Democracy Russia

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International Crisis Group

International Crisis Group: is a  "non-partisan, source of analysis and advice to governments, and intergovernmental bodies like the United Nations, European Union and World Bank, on the prevention and resolution of deadly conflict."

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From the Moderator: A List of Articles and Reports

1. Hugo, Graeme

2009 Best Practice in Temporary Labour Migration for Development: A Perspective from Asia and the Pacific. International Migration (47/5).

 2. Keough, Leyla J.

2006  Globalizing Postsocialism: Mobile Mothers and Neoliberalism on the Margins of Europe. Anthropological Quarterly (79/3):431-461.

 3. Marat, Erica 

2009 Labor Migration in Central Asia: Implications of the Global Economic Crisis. (Online Silk Road Paper).

 4. Sassen, Saskia

1997  Immigration Policy in a Global Economy. SAIS Review (17/2):1-19.

 5. Thieme, Susan and Karin Astrid Siegmann

2010  Coping on Women's Backs: Social Capital-Vulnerability Links through a Gender Lens. Current Sociology (58/5):715-737.

6. International Crisis Group, "Central Asia: migrants and the economic crisis."  Asia Report, No. 183 (January 5,  2010).

7. Ariel Cohen

U. S. interests and Central Asia energy security. Backgrounder, No. 1984(November 15, 2006).  

8. Robert O Blake Jr

"U.S. policy towards Central Asia."  July 30, 2010

9. Ricahrd Weiz

Averting a new Great Game in Central Asia. The Washington Quarterly (Summer 2006): 155-167.  

10. Chris Hann and Mathijs Pelkmans

Realigning religion and power in Central Asia: Islam, nation-state and (post) socialism.  Europe-Asia Studies (Vol. 61, No. 9): 1517-1541.  

11. Charles Buxton

NGO networks in Central Asia and global civil society: potential and limitations.  Central Asian Survey (Vol. 28, No. 1): 43-58.  

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