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Japanese Studies for EALC Grad Students: Online Journals

Japanese studies research resources and library guide for graduate students in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures.

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Japanese Journal of Religious Studies

The Japanese Journal of Religious Studies is a semi-annual journal dedicated to the academic study of Japanese religions. The journal is published by the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture. This is an open access journal, and all journal contents can be accessed and downloaded from the journal website above.

Journal of Asian Studies

Journal of Japanese Studies

Magazine Plus

Monumenta Nipponica

Full text available through UIUC library:

Monumenta Nipponica, an interdisciplinary quarterly journal on Japanese culture and society, was founded in 1938, making it one of the oldest English-language academic journals in the field of Asian studies.

Anthropological Science

Anthropological Science

This journal, published by the Anthropological Society of Nippon, is freely available on-line (English).