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Japanese Studies for EALC Grad Students: Finding Books

Japanese studies research resources and library guide for graduate students in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures.

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Finding Books

Provides resources available at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. 
Pro Tip: The library catalog's search system does not fully support non-Roman and transcribed non-Roman text.  When searching in Japanese, try World Cat - below.

↓      Your book is not in UIUC Library Catalog?


Joint catalog by the University of Illinois and other academic institutions in Illinois.

↓      Your book is not available in I-Share (academic libraries in Illinois) ? 

Search worldwide to see which library owns the item you want.  Then request the book/article through interlibrary loan.


Additional Resources for Finding Books

Easy Search (Search Assistant)

Database for books, articles, and web pages in multiple places. Warning: Easy Search only works well in English.  It does not work with Japanese fonts or characters.


NOTE: Japanese publications can be searched by Romanized Japanese or Japanese characters in the databases above. However, searching with Japanese characters does not always result in complete list, especially some old records are only catalogued in Romanized Japanese. (VuFind and Easy Search may not work properly with non-Western characters. Use Classic Search if you are doing a keyword search using Japanese words, or have book/journal titles in Japanese). 

Tips for Using Online Catalog