Title: Ise Monogatari いせ物語
Published: Japan: s.n., 1494 明應 3
Call Number: PL787.I8 1494
Subject: Japanese fiction -- Heian period, 794-1185.
Document Type: Manuscript
Note: Handwritten note on value of the book.
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: Ise Monogatari 伊勢物語 2 v.
Published: 1671 寛丈 11
Call Number: PL787.I8 1671
Subject: Japanese fiction -- Heian period, 794-1185.
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: Utsubo Monogatari うつぼ物語 20 v.
Published: n.p. 1677 延賓5
Call Number: PL787.U8 1677
Subject: Japanese fiction -- Heian period.
Title: Genji Monogatari 源氏物語
Author: Murasaki, Shikibu 紫式部
Published: n.p., 16-- 30v.
Call Number: PL788.4. G3 16--
Subject: Princes--Japan--Fiction.
Aristocracy (Social Class)--Japan--Fiction.
Japan--Social Life and Customs--794--1185--Fiction.
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: Gengo Hiketsusho 源語秘訣抄
Author: Ichijo, Kaneyoshi 一条兼良
Published: n.p. 1680 延宝 8
Call Number: PL788.4 .G3 I2
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: Gikeiki (Shinpan Gikeiki) 義経記
Published: n.p. 1697 元禄10
Call Number: PL790.G5 1697
Subject: Minamoto, Yoshitsune, 1159-1189 -- Fiction.
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: Eiri Taketori Monogatari 繪入り 竹とり物語
Call Number: PL787.T3
Subject: Japanese fiction--Heian period, 794-1185.
Note: Handwritten note on value of book.
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: Taketori Monogatari v. 1-17 (missing vol. 18) 竹取物語
Author: Santo, Kyozan 山東京山 作; Utagawa, Kunisada 歌川國貞; Utagawa, Toyokuni (illus.) 歌川豊國 画
Published: Edo :森屋治兵衛, 1838-1856 天保9-安政3
Call Number: PL799 .S2
Subject: Japanese fiction -- Heian period, 794-1185.
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: Heiji Monogatari 平治物語
Published: n.p: ca.1630
Call Number: PL790 .H38 1630
Subject: Japan--History--Hogen and Heiji Insurrections, 1156-1159--Fiction.
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: Kokon Chomon Shu 古今著聞集
Author: Tachibana, Narisue 橘成季
Published: n.p.:n.d.
Call Number: PL792 .T2
Subject:Japanese prose literature -- 1185-1600. ; Japanese literature -- 1185-1600. ; Japanese fiction -- 1185-1600.
Note: Ms. 写本
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: Sato no Ikiji 廓意気地
Author: Jippensha, Ikku 十返舎一九
Published: n.p.:1802 享和 2
Call Number: PL791.6 .T7 M29
Note: Handwritten note on value of the book.
Yamagiwa Collection
Title : Shinpen Suiko Gaden 新編水滸畫傳 90v.
Author: Takizawa, Bakin 滝澤馬琴; Katsushika, Hokusai 葛飾北斎;
Takai, Ranzan 高井蘭山
Published: Osaka 大阪: Kawachiya, Mohe 河内屋茂兵衛, 1807 文化4
Call Number: PL2694.S51807
Subject: Chinese fiction--Translations into Japanese.