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Title: Kumano no Honji v.1 くまのの本地 上
Published: n.p.
Call Number: PL790.K8
Document Type: Manuscript
Subject: Japanese fiction -- 1185-1600.
Note: Nara Ehon 奈良絵本
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: Monogusa Taro 物ぐさ太郎
Call Number: PL790.M6
Subject: Japanese fiction
Note: 丹緑本 御伽草子
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: Shaka no Honji 釈迦の本地
Other Titles: Shaka Ichidaiki 釈迦一代記
Published: n.d.
Call Number: PL790 .S41
Document Type: Manuscript
Subject: Narrative painting, Japanese -- Edo period, 1600-1868.
Note: Nara Ehon 奈良絵本
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: Shaka no Honji 釈迦の本地 v.1-3
Other Titles: Shaka Ichidaiki 釈迦一代記 絵入
Published: Edo 江戸: Kuwamura Hanzo 桑村半蔵, ca. 1695 元禄頃
Call Number: PL790 .S41 1695
Subject: Narrative painting, Japanese -- Edo period, 1600-1868.
Note: Nara Ehon 奈良絵本
Handwritten note on value of the book.
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: Shigure 志ぐれ v.2
Other Titles: Koyoi no Shosho Monogatari
Published: n.d.
Call Number: PL790 .S43
Document Type: Manuscript
Subject: Narrative painting, Japanese -- Edo period, 1600-1868.
Note: Nara Ehon 奈良絵本
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: Soga Monogatari 曾我物語
Published: Edo 江戸: 松会貞享, ca. 1687 元禄頃 12v.
Call Number: PL790 .S6 1687
Subject: Brothers -- Japan -- Fiction.
Note: Handwritten note on value of the book.
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: Jubangiri 十番切
Other Titles:
Published: 17--
Call Number: PL790 .S61 J7
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: Sumiyoshi Monogatari 住吉物語
Published: n.p., 1632 寛永9
Call Number: PL790 .S9
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: Sumiyoshi Monogatari 住吉物語
Published: n.p.: ca. 1630
Call Number: PL790 .S9 1630
Subject: Narrative painting, Japanese -- Edo period, 1600-1868.
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: Sumiyoshi Monogatari 住吉物語
Other Titles: Eiri Sumiyoshi Monogatari 絵入住吉物語
Published: Kyoto 京都:皇都書林 梅村三郎兵衛, 1759 宝暦9
Call Number: PL790 .S9 1759
Subject: Narrative painting, Japanese -- Edo period, 1600-1868.
Note: 寛永版 絵入本
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: Chomei Hosshin Shu 長明発心集
Other Titles: Eiri Sumiyoshi Monogatari 絵入住吉物語
Author: Kamono, Chomei 鴨長明 撰
Published: Kyoto 京都: 中野小左衛門, 1651 慶安4
Call Number: PL791 .2 .C48
Subject: Legends, Buddhist -- Japan.
Note: Handwritten note on value of the book.
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: Nagusamigusa 慰草
Author: Matsunaga, Teitoku 松永貞徳
Published: n.p.: s.n., 1652 慶安 5
Call Number: PL791.6 .T7 M29
Other Author Names: Chozumaru 長頭丸
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: En no Gyoja Engi 役行者縁起
Other Titles: 役行者物語
Author: Asai, Ryoi 浅井了意
Published: Kyoto 京都: 沢見吉兵衛, 1688 貞享 5
Call Number: PL791.6 .T7 M29
Note: Changed title of Katsuragi Monogatari かつらぎ物語改題本.
Handwritten note on value of the book.
Yamagiwa Collection
Title: Ikuchi Monogatari ゐくち物語
Author: Soga, Kyuji 曾我休自
Published: Kyoto 京都.: Yoshinoya 吉野屋, 1662 寛文2
Call Number: PL795. S63
Yamagiwa Collection