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A Shelf Browsing Guide to the History, Philosophy, and Newspaper Library

A guide to the printed books collection in the History, Philosophy, and Newspaper Library, as arranged by Library of Congress Classification System, and a guide to the Library of Congress Call Numbers

Subclass E: United States by Time Period

  • E11-143: America
    • E75-99: Indians of North America
      • E81-83.895: Indian wars
        • E83.83: Black Hawk War
    • E101-143: Discovery and exploration
  • E151-889: United States
    • E184.5-185.98: African Americans 
    • E187-199: Colonial British North America, 1600-1775 
    • E203-286: American Revolution, 1775-1783
    • E300-453: Revolution to the Civil War, 1775-1861
      • E303-309: 1775-1789
      • E310: 1789-1809
      • E311-320: George Washington Administration, 1789-1797
      • E321-330: John Adams Administration, 1797-1801
      • E331-337: Thomas Jefferson Administration, 1801-1809
      • E337.5-340: 19th century (General)
      • E341-370: James Madison Administration, 1809-1817
        • E351-364.9: War of 1812
      • E371-375: James Monroe Administration, 1817-1825
      • E376-377: John Quincy Adams Administration, 1825-1829
      • E380-385: Andrew Jackson Administration, 1829-1837
      • E386-390: Martin Van Buren Administration, 1837-1841
      • E391-400: William Henry Harrison and John Tyler Administrations, 1841-1845
      • E401-415.2: Mexican-American War, 1846-1848
      • E415.6-: Middle 19th century, 1845/1848-1861
        • E441-453: Slavery in the United States. Anti-slavery movements
    • E456-655: Civil War period, 1861-1865
      • E483.5-487: Confederate States of America 
      • E491-585: Armies and soldiers 
      • E591-596: Naval history 
      • E661: Foreign relations
    • E660-738: Late 19th century
      • E663-E664: Biography of U.S. statesmen 
      • E668: Reconstruction, 1865-1877 
      • E671-E680: Grant Administration, 1869-1877 
      • E711-E738: McKinley Administration, 1897-1901 
        • E713: American annexation in 1898 of Hawaii, the Phillippines, and Puerto Rico
        • E714-735: War of 1898 (Spanish-American War) 
    • E740-E837.7: 20th century
      • E741-E748: General 
        • E743.5: Anti-communist movements 
        • E744-744.5: Foreign relations 
        • E747-748: Biographies 
      • E756-760: Theodore Roosevelt Administration, 1901-1909 
      • E766-783: Woodrow Wilson Administration, 1913-1921 
      • E784-805: Harding- Coolidge- Hoover Era, 1919-1933 
        • E785-786: Harding Administration, 1921-1923 
        • E791-796: Coolidge Administration, 1923-1929 
      • E806-812: Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration, 1933-1945 
      • E813-816: Truman Administration, 1945-1953 
      • E835-837.7: Eisenhower Administration, 1953-1961 
    • E838-889: Later 20th century, 1961-2000 
      • E838-840.8: General 
      • E841-843: Kennedy Administration, 1961-1963 
      • E846-851: Johnson Administration, 1963-1969 
      • E855-861: Nixon Administration, 1969-1974 
        • E860-861: Watergate affair. Resignation 
    • E895- : 21st century 
      • E902-906: George W. Bush Administration, 2001-2009 
      • E907-909: Barack Obama Administration, 2009-2017
      • E912-915: Donald Trump Administration, 2017-2021
      • E916-919: Joseph Biden Administration, 2021-

Subclass F: United States Regions, States, Counties, etc.

  • F1-105: New England
    • F1-15: General
    • F16-30: Maine
    • F31-45: New Hampshire
    • F46-60: Vermont
    • F61-75: Massachusetts
    • F76-90: Rhode Island
    • F91-105: Connecticut
  • F106-205: Middle Atlantic states
    • F106: General
    • F116-130: New York
      • F128-129.A1: New York City
    • F131-145: New Jersey
    • F146-160: Pennsylvania
    • F161-175: Delaware
    • F176-190: Maryland
    • F191-205: District of Columbia
  • F206-295: South Atlantic states
    • F206-220: General
    • F221-235: Virginia
    • F236-250: West Virginia
    • F251-265: North Carolina
    • F266-280: South Carolina
    • F281-295: Georgia
  • F296: Gulf states
  • F301-320: Florida
  • F321-335: Alabama
  • F336-350: Mississippi
  • F350.3-358: Mississippi River Valley. Middle West
    • F352: To 1803
    • F353: 1803-1865
    • F354: 1865-1950
    • F355: 1950-
  • F366-380: Louisiana
  • F381-395: Texas
  • F396: Old Southwest. Lower Mississippi Valley
  • F406-420: Arkansas
  • F431-445: Tennessee
  • F446-460: Kentucky
  • F461-475.A1: Missouri
  • F475.A2-485: Old Northwest. Northwest Territory
  • F486-520: Ohio
  • F521-535: Indiana
  • F536-550.Z: Illinois
    • F548: Chicago
  • F550.5-558.2: Great Lakes region
  • F561-575: Michigan
  • F576-590.Z: Wisconsin
  • F590.2-596.3: The West. Trans-Mississippi region. Great Plains
    • F592.3-592.7: Lewis and Clark expedition
  • F597: Northwest
  • F598: Missouri River Valley
  • F601-615: Minnesota
  • F616-630: Iowa
  • F631-645: North Dakota
  • F646-660: South Dakota
  • F661-675: Nebraska
  • F676-690: Kansas
  • F691-705: Oklahoma
  • F718: Pacific and Mountain states
  • F721: Rocky Mountains
  • F726-740: Montana
  • F741-755: Idaho
  • F756-770: Wyoming
  • F771-785.Z: Colorado
  • F785.15-788: New Southwest. Southwestern states
  • F789-790: Great Basin
  • F791-805: New Mexico
  • F806-820: Arizona
  • F821-835: Utah
  • F836-850.Z: Nevada
  • F850.5-:855.2 Pacific states
  • F856-870: California
    • F868.L8: Los Angeles County
    • F869.L8-L89: Los Angeles (City)
  • F871-885: Oregon
  • F886-900: Washington (State)
  • F901-951: Alaska
  • Hawaii is classed under DU620+

Subclass F: British America

  • F1001-1145: Canada

Subclass F: Latin America

  • F1201-1392: Mexico
    • F1232-1236: By time time period
    • F1240-1391: By region, state, territory, etc.
  • F1401-1419: General (Latin America)
  • F1421-1577: Central America
  • F1601-2191: West Indies
    • F1751-1855: Cuba
    • F1900-1941: Haiti (Island). Hispaniola
      • F1912-1930: Haiti
      • F1931-1941: Dominican Republic
    • F1951-1983: Puerto Rico
  • F2201-3799: South America
    • F2251-2299: Colombia
    • F2301-2349: Venezuela
    • F2351-2471: Guiana
    • F2501-2659: Brazil
    • F2661-2699: Paraguay
    • F2701-2799: Uruguay
    • F2801-3032: Argentina
    • F3051-3285: Chile
    • F3301-3359: Bolivia
    • F3401-3619: Peru
    • F3701-3799: Ecuador