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University Library


Colombia: Media

Media in Colombia

Media in Colombia

Resources at the library:

  • Newspapers

The History and Newspaper Library holds over issues for over 50 years of the newspaper El Tiempo. This paper is avaliable in microfilm and printed versions.

  • Film:

Colección de Cine Silente Colombiano: This is a collection of silent films published in 2012 by Proimagenes Colombia and the National Ministry of Culture. It includes 10 disks with pioneer films of Colombian cinematography produced in the 1920s.

Fictional films and documentaries available through I-Share: Includes about 60 Colombian films and documentaries. Additional resources listed under "Foreign fims-Colombia" available here.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Includes over 70 films and documentaries related with García Márquez' work, available either at the library or through I-Share.

  • Library Catalog:

Browse a variety of titles available at the University Library catalog concerning mass media in Colombia. These titles cover subjects as political issues of journalism, gender, democracy, education, and others.

Selection from the Undergraduate Media Collection

Colombian Media - External Websites

Library Media Resources on Latin America

Provided by Alexander Street: This database provides online access to documentaries produced about Latin America and the Caribbean. You can search by country or by specific title. Access is provided to the campus community only.

Search for hundreds of films from different genres, including documentary and fiction. This database includes a section of "Latin American Studies" in Global Studies & Languages. You can also use the countries or regions as search terms. Access is provided to the campus community only.

Urbana-Champaign: This festival has been organized annually by the University of Illinois Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) since 2010.  From the 30 to 35 films received each year, six to eight are selected for screening. CLACS currently has a small collection of the films that have been screened throughout the festival's history. For more information, contact Dr. Angelina Cotler, Associate Director CLACS, who organizes of this film festival and read more on the Glocal Notes blog.

Assistant Professor and Librarian of Latin American and Caribbean Studies